Is crypto selling a dream?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


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Dreaming of quote "moons, lambos, the good life, and being able to afford anything even though you never had to work for it"? If so, then yes crypto is selling you a dream. The dream is that you can become rich by jumping on the wave everyone else has used and increase your money by 100000X. We all want that dream, and I am not trying to say that wanting to have the good life is bad, like I said I want that dream too. I am neither trying to say that crypto is not a good investment for your money, the most famous people are talking about crypto.

Crypto selling you a dream is not a bad thing, because I believe that everyone has to dream about something and as long as you are passionate about that dream than it is not wrong to have it. Reality is the tough part, being let down and never achieving your dream can be the worst part about having one.

I started to get into cryptocurrency as an interest at first and my honest first impressions were that either it was all about scamming people into buying some "coins" that were supposed to be "better" than bitcoin or that it was all just a complete scam. In other words "too good to be true", and I moved on with my life. Mostly because I am broke and only could afford to buy 0.0001 bitcoin when times were better for the coin. But anyways, as I continued to learn about blockchain and the technology, I found out about ethereum smart contract. I was learning that cryptocurrency was not all a scam because this one was actually helping people to create their own cryptocurrencies. I know it sounds like nothing to most of you at this point in time especially, but at that time my mind was blown.

Finding out about a cryptocurrency that allowed me to create my own, and learning about ICO's at the same time it was like I had discovered something nobody had before and I really felt like I was a genius who was about to be rich. At the same time I knew that I was never a technologically savvy person so in my honest self I knew that it was probably better off playing the investor role than doing something with technology that would take me a decade to learn anyway.

Moving on to the following weeks and months after that I was always being curious as to what new cryptocurrencies and ICO's were coming out, and of course I was looking at the return on investments to find what was the most profitable. The whole topic of this digital money that was being created out of one superior technology backed by it's own cryptocurrency known as Ethereum, it was really fascinating to me. As for those of you who do not know about the technology yet, I highly reccomend you learn about erc-20 tokens and Initial coin offerings. These are basically what most projects are using to become a real "cryptocurrency".

A little bit of time and no lambo, or dream house later we are at today, where I am trying to figure out if crypto is selling people dreams. On one side there is a definite yes, especially when you consider how some influencers are sharing their own portfolio and riches and benefiting from their following. That is called "pipe dream" selling, but some may say it is called "motivation". So what do you think?

Let me know in the comments below whether or not crypto is selling a dream, and don't forget to


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

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even with 100x returns, which is a longshot for any coin, the typical crypto investor would not make anywhere near enough money to have a Lambo etc. (which requires a lot more than the purchase price, insurance, maintenance, registration, taxes etc not to mention paying income tax)...most crypto investors have a few hundred or few thousand dollars invested. My point is, that even if cypto explodes, very very few will make enough to buy a Lambo or nice house

good point!