GoChain Smarter, Better, Faster, Stronger


Smarter, Better, Faster, Stronger


Before getting into the main theme of this post that would be GoChain, we will know basic concepts to clarify doubts and that everyone, especially the newest in this world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, understand and benefit from all platforms or initiatives that are emerging

Basic concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

"The cryptocurrencies are basically encrypted and interchangeable digital currencies carrying out a transfer called transaction.
Mining refers to the process in which Cryptocurrencies are created as well as the process by which transactions are made possible in a decentralized and secure manner.

Blockchain is like a book where different data are recorded securely thanks to encryption, this whole system of secure transfers without intermediaries and other similar transactions are what make this system to be so amazing and eye-catching for the whole world.

Encryption means that to use or manipulate these currencies we must have a password or password previously.

A transaction is made between two digital wallets, these purses are similar to a local bank account only that you handle only via internet".


What is it?

"GoChain is a scalable, high performance, low cost, and decentralized cryptocurrency and blockchain that supports smart contracts and distributed applications" By. GoChain

GoChain works like a chain of blocks full of intelligent contracts for better security and also has many improvements in the Ethereum code base. This is how you read, GoChain is 100% compatible with Ethereum. Currently transactions with Ethereum and Bitcoin are slow when there are demands for thousands of transactions since Ethereum only makes 13 transactions per second and on the other hand Bitcoin only 7 per second. GoChain comes with more power and speed, with the goal of making more than 1000 transactions per second, to be exact 100 times faster than your current limit. And not only that, GoChain presents a scalability and for those who do not know, when talking about scalability we mean that the system can increase the number of users, of data that it processes or of requests it receives, without significantly affecting its response speed. Therefore, GoChain offers good service.

We all know that blockchain technology and its decentralization has always been a difficult subject to take and understand since decentralization to 100% is often seen as a taboo. In China they extract 70% - 80% of all the blocks with mining, which makes us think a lot and leaves us with some doubts. Thanks to GoChain we can be closer to real decentralization because they have implemented a new algorithm called Reputation Test (POR) where blocks and transactions are not validated by approved people or users but now this function is done the companies as such. The company is the face and the one that carries the reputation, then at the time of committing a fraud or any improper act the company would lose much more than a single user. And this is where decentralization comes in its entirety. Nobody will want to take risks to damage their reputation and in case a company does it will simply decline so low that they may never arise again. That said I must inform you of the plan that GoChain has, they want 50 companies to be in 50 different countries around the world and each have their validators so that once the message of who they are is spread, no company has the desire to act badly. Another advantage is that the nodes would be in many parts and thus it would be almost impossible for the US or China to take over the network. In this way decentralization will go to a higher, more serious and perfect level.

What are the benefits of existing crypto companies being able to easily transfer from the Ethereum network to GoChain?

When talking about these benefits we immediately go to the strongest point of GoChain because the speed with which they will work at the time of transfers or transactions is not provided by anyone else. They are the first with this initiative any cryptographic company will want to be part of this platform. The TIME factor is what is at stake and with GoChain you can save many more than you think.

What is the potential impact of 100x speed and 7500x cheaper transaction fees?

The impact that this change produces is a positive madness haha. When I read about this topic I thought it was a joke. But it is as real as the oxygen we breathe. GoChain aims to offer us 100 times more speed, 1000x less energy consumption, and very comfortable rates to use the service.

How does giving companies the ability to change their code open the doors for more businesses to get aboard?

Companies changing their codes will be much more confident, and trust is the basis for something to emerge. In this way, knowing that you can do this movement many companies will be attracted and with the doors open to GoChain who is the only one that offers this trust, transparency, security, and decentralization.

Why is it important to cater blockchain technology to the commercial sectors such that they can easily integrate?

Es importante darle a conocer el sistema blockchain a todos ya que su funcionalidad es tan práctica y rentable que cualquier persona quisiera usarla. Las empresas, los comerciantes todos ellos en su mayoría para vender, comprar, enviar o recibir dinero lo hacen a través de bancos locales los cuales pueden ser de confianza pero aun así no te dan la seguridad que te ofrece un sistema de bloques. Donde no hay terceros y es totalmente transparente cada transacción que se va integrando a una especie de libro que funciona como base de datos.

How does GoChain promote mass adoption of cryptocurrencies?

This question is answered only by reading this post or by researching about GoChain. We know everything that this platform offers, we know the speed it offers and the cryptocurrency it handles, which in less than what we imagine can turn 180 degrees and become a good investment for everyone. GoChain promotes adoption from the moment it says that transactions will be faster and safer with intelligent contracts. It's my point of view.

Thank you for reading this publication

Contest writing GoChain.There is much more information to add but I do not want to make the post so long, but I think that with this is enough for you to immerse yourself in this initiative you will see benefit soon. Below these lines of texts I leave some pages that served as support material for the collection of data or information. This concludes my participation in the weekly contest of @originalworks if you want to participate enter this link

Pages used to collect data or images:

Xataka, FiinLab, GoChain Website, GoChain WhitePaper, GoChain Telegram, GoChain GitHub, GoChain Reddit, GoChain BitcoinTalk, GoChain Twitter, GoChain Facebook, GoChain Medium, GoChain Telegram Announcement

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