Current Holdings
Potential Holdings and ICOs Being Researched
HODL Strong!
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In order to keep this operation growing, all donations are appreciated:
BTC: 1GYGYcKHxnXHKMe9xRy5dTfniTzJGbx4um
ETH: 0x736ea3aC5bb1270E839C50f2A1DbDBeE821D9882
LTC: LfHXsT6d97qyLDvhc9wDQhj8HSG9aaoBXj
BCH: 13Ttx4bCqgRCzVzQvpbddUjRKCfthoGNx4
XRP: rU2gxHoc23jdQHN6LHxrjdMtJDtgjqp1qi
As always, the information in this post is not investment or trading advice; the information held is an opinion piece on the subject matter, supported by linked references.
Coins mentioned in post: