I Withdrew Steemit and it's GONE?

I wanted to experiment and learn how to "move" Steemit. So I withdrew the pittance I had in there. Now there is a "zero" balance in the wallet here and no idea what mystical realm or parallel universe it went off to.

I do not want to have to use seven different keys, 3 wallets, codes and interfaces to move or find this "money", "coin", "crypto".

This is what is so nauseating about crypto. It is marinated and steeped in mystery. There is a constant requirement to navigate through a fog of terms, websites that appear as if they were designed to pillage your private information and sell it to a internet cafe in Nairobi.

I f'N hate crypto. Always have - always will. The requirement of fluency in computers, codes, passwords, chains, keys and so on cripples the potential efficacy of the digital currency.

You want to buy any goods and services from me? Gold, a gun, ammunition or food? Better have a tangible physical asset, land, metals or the like or I am walking. You can have your "prime numbers".


It may end up where you sent it after it verifies...good luck.