If you are one of the many AirCoins app users, you would have already noticed that you can purchase hunting tools to aid in your quest for cryptodom.
If you are still new and oblivious of this function then this article is for you.
Let’s begin
Go to your map screen and tap the settings icon on your top right.
You will see that there’s a “shopping cart” icon, now tap that icon.
Now you will see the many options you have to purchase. I’ve personally tried the cloudburst (thunder) and the boomerang tools but herein, I’m going to show you the thunder tool only.
As you can see there’s a limit on how many you can purchase and use within a time span. Now I’m going to tap the thunder option, purchase and use it.
Before thunder
After thunder
You will see a cool animation of thunder clouds gathering and lightning striking.
And here you will see that coins just dropped in my area after a AirDrop storm.
So there you have it! Hope you are enjoying your AirCoins app as much as I do.
Happy hunting!
Thanks for the info, did the thunder provide more coins than the 200 AIRx it cost for the tool?