is something like Golem. There's a sort of comparison available on: (Check it out..)
I've sold more than half of my Ether, waiting to get in back again..
What about Synereo? Still a tough sell for me..
I got in on Synereo during the ICO, got out after losing 60-70% on the investment. could potentially turn around, though my confidence was not inspired since the ICO. seems like they have alot of philosophical & theoretical activity, though not the entrepreneurial skill and practical strategic roadmap to simplify their grand ideals into workable applications that may be likely to gain traction with a wide audience. I could be wrong, though not resonating with this one much and thus putting my money elsewhere in projects that are more easily understandable and have trackable, unarguable progress occuring...
Well let's see. They said their proper prototype's gonna be out around mid-year. Have you seen their blog post? Seems very ambitious, although practically I don't know if it's gonna go anywhere..
haven't been reading too much lately, as seemed like just that - lots of ambition, though probably not so much practicality to back up the idealism. I could be wrong, though what I've observed so far hasn't inspired confidence that they may have what it takes to implement the ideals...