
"It certainly did not perform as well as the best, explosive crypcurrrencies recently, "

Could be a blessing in disguise - a slow, steady rate of growth is rare in the crypto world, and might be the pattern that the real long-term winners follow... All of the explosive ups and downs ultimately aren't so good for business, in my own humble opinion.

Very rare indeed. I find myself unable to let go even though the quarter's payout is over and done with lol.

I agree. I had a few ICO's that, if I had kept the ETH i invested with, would be worth more. But instead of being bummed out about the money I didn't make, I took the time to really do some research and am happy with what TaaS is and what is in store for everyone involved.

worth it... :)

but did they payout already?

Yeah I've just received. I think its going through the list!

What do you mean with "going through the list" ?

The distribution is executed by a smart contract. I guess it takes time on the Ethereum network lol..

Thanks for explaining it Kev!

oh I see, have to wait then. they just started distribution

I invested at around $2.40 after reading this post, thanks for the tip!

Seems like it's gonna be one of the best HODLs with passive income :) Their performance this month has already exceeded past quarter's i think

That's awesome where did you hear that? I've been keeping an eye on their blog but might have missed something

You have used tip! in your comment - that`s my magic word for sending tips ;)
Click here if you wish to learn more!Beep beep. Hi @captaincanary!

Dang! How awesome. I've never heard about this... the ROI is extremely high. I'll have to check it out and maybe invest in some :) Thanks for the share.

Not as high as some other cryptos though. but dividends are pretty sweet.

good to know anyways!

BTW I posted a video with a silent disco party. hehe thought you might be entertained as you love music and dancing :)

Hey Kevin. Do you mind doing me a big favor and upvoting my logo in the comment section for a competition I entered in? I am 3 upvotes from winning. It would help me out so much! And I would really appreciate it. Here is the link

Young people are now amazing, working in digital matters ....
Unlike me old man who used to fishing
Good post @ kevinwong

Digital matters = new kind of fish :D

nice thought :)

This is very interesting, I have to check it. Thank you for this information :)

I saw someone else write about Taas and how they are paying a dividend to the users that invest into Taas. It seems like you have got your payout and after looking through some analytics, it has a pretty good return of investment compared to other things.

If the price does dip a little I may start and accumulate some Taas coin as they have a pretty good vision which I think will thrive rather than crash and burn. It seems like the earlier you get in the better off you are.

Let's hope Taas is prosperous! :)Thanks for sharing this @kevinwong

To be honest, I'd want to liquidate the token first for other coins before rebuying with profit. But too precious to let go :P

I have received around 2.3 ETH and I own 1611 TaaS! It was a great investment!

Nice! Glad it worked out :D
The ROI is actually a little more than 30%, since eth price increased in the meantime (they priced in 199 usd / eth)

Yeah! It's a good investment into a good project!!

I have a bunch of them and I already received the payout.
I'm getting more TAAS because I really like dividends and the team looks very good.

Please let me know if you come across something similar, or better, one that's better :)

I wish I can find such thing :) But I'm really happy with TAAS so far.

I'm so glad I didn't miss this post, since I think what TaaS is trying to do is a great thing for cryptospace. The crypto market can be quite hard to understand and follow, therefore specialist who make this their day job are very welcome for those who simply do not have the time to understand the market, while they may like to have crypto part of their investment portfolio. It is for a good reason why in the fiat and non-digital asset world so many investment funds are available. I certainly will have a thorough read through their whitepaper, but I'm already thinking to get me some coins.

Yeah, I think if next quarter is successful again, the token could be real valuable. As of now, the price support is pretty good at more than 2x the initial price even after dividends for the quarter has been paid out. Some don't agree that the team takes 25% of quarterly profits though. I'd agree it's quite high, but if they're making good use of it to improve the blockchain space, why not :)

The 25% for themselves: well, they need to be able to pay their bills. If this should be 25% or something else, that is indeed the question. In the end I think this amount shall be flexible, meaning, when the fund value becomes (super) large, the percentage may come down. I suppose, whatever they do with the 25% they take themselves, they also justify for, what they do with it. I like models that includes continuous revenue for those who create, develop and market since when only relying on the coin value itself (assuming the creators kept coins themselves), it may be more a pump thing driven by the whales (and creators). No business can survive without continuous revenue, therefore they have chosen a good model IMHO.

They do all the work. It's fair and was transparent from ICO. I would be more concerned if they only wanted 10%. I would ask myself why would they go through the trouble and risk. Right now Taas is on track to provide another nice dividend. People think of Taas like another crypto but that is wrong. Where it's closed fund it really shouldn't have the volatility of other coins which in most cases have value based on speculation. Of course this is all my opinion haha

How would I earn a passive income from this? Would I need to have the TAAS tokens in an Exodus wallet and set it up to send the ether to the exodus' Ether address?

Not sure if it works for Exodus wallet. As long as you have the private key for the eth address. Don't have to set up anything at all as the reward ethers will be sent automatically. They'll announce snapshot dates before distribution (every quarter). Yeap, just have TAAS in the wallet.

Ether wallet as in MyEtherWallet or Parity? What ether wallet do you recommend?

Yup myetherwallet works fine, just need to backup private key.

So if I hold TaaS in my MyEtherWallet, then they will pay the ether dividend to there?

Hopefully you do not mind, I have meresteem your post. I hope we will continue to communicate through this community and will exchange information.

thank you @ponpase

you are wl.. Steemit-Referral-Reward-Program-simple01292.gif

You did a great decision. I would love to invest in many projects like you!

buy some, but many coins xD, but to be honest, ICN / TAAS / BCAP might be enough since they're coins that invests in other coins..

yes man, I am trying my best but I am just a little student, what I am making online is all my income!

Thanks for your reply! Wish you a great day!

There is so much to learn, but then I have heard that ignorance is bliss. I am the happiest man in the world. Have a great day.

Wise words!

Never heard of it @kevinwong , so only those who invested during ICO gets payout now, yes?

The token is proof of membership, so you can claim for the quarterly profits that the fund generates. So more tokens = bigger slice, in linear fashion of course :)

I see, but it is no longer available, yes? These tokens?

Oh there are people selling them on some of the cryptocurrency exchanges (check out the resources part of this post). The first price we bought was at 93 cents, now people are selling it above 2 dollars.

whoa! That's really amazing!

Seeing quite a lot of different types of cryptos with different ideas and so on. But this one does seem to be different from many other cryptos. I like the the idea that you get 50% quarterly profits and I think that's pretty new, because I don't think I've seen anything like this. Hopefully we will be seeing this grow a lot because I will be buying them as well. Thanks for sharing !

Please share if you come across something similar, or better :)

Thanks for sharing valuable knowledge @kevinwong! I heard about TaaS, but I didn't know too much about this project, until know. Good job! Upvoted of course :)

sorry for the bad language, but taas is the perfect sh*tcoin manager :D

Looks great, wish i own some. The only concern I have is the exchanges where it is tradeable. The only decent liquidity is at Liqui, but I don’t think i would risk trading there being an exchange based in Ukraine. The other two exchanges hardly no liquidity at all. One to watch for sure. Thanks for the article

I think its quite a good exchange.. I think next year liqui will be huge for erc20 tokens

$0.28 payout per token payed in eth at a fixed price of $199 as of 31-07-2017, end of the quarter.
So, its more or less 1 ETH per 710 TAAS :)

Yeap, eth's price went up in the meantime, so it ended up being a much better deal lol

Can't wait for the end of next quarter :)

I read about it after our chat. It does seems like a solid product and it feels like it could grow more. It's a considerable investment. Thanks for sharing.

Always looking for good advice for investing, but few are the people, ready to give a straight answer!Thank you for the great advice @kevinwong !

Oh this is not a financial advice.. lol disclaimer. I'm not an expert and I have no background in finance.

we can do a steem funds Steef tokens we use 25% of profits into whaling purchasing steem and make a cross steem/ steef pair to trade.

what's steef? sounds like an ok idea though

Another way for investment, we just have to wait again for a price dip.Thanks for this news @kevinwong

I'm terrible at that, usually when it dips, all my other holdings have also dipped.

Of course but those don,t dip forever.

That's an amazing ROI @kevinwong! And the way you explained it will grow further for sure!

Thanks for sharing this great info :-)

good posst,, thanks for share
vote baxk

Where can I learn more about TaaS ? and did I missed or what are the availble markets for this ?

Check out the resources section of this post :) all there!

Sorry I'm a blind nerd !

Posts that attract friends

cool idea how can i join this

Thanks for the info!
Information is not superfluous, it helps to make the right decision!

Thx :) !!

If only I had known about taas tokens I could be in a better place today LoL Thanks for sharing my friend. - Troy

Thanks for sharing this. Didn't know it exists!

Really beautiful .. thanks information .. hope we can cooperate .. follow me @kingsteem .. maybe we can be a good friend

A good post I really like.salam from @imranroza

Great to know about that : )

Wow, this sounds really interesting.
I think I need to research a lot when it comes down to cryptocurrencies. I'm glad i follow you so i get at least some good insights!

good information for a starters like us.............. thank you

enserio que bien, espero que ya te haya transferido tus ganancias, parece muy buena esa transaccion

seems good but did they make payouts yet?

yup , they did! at least for me


I read your post to get a new knowledge on cryptocurrency, even I diont really understand before.about the issue. Thanks
Regard from Aceh, Indonesia.

Good post and i think it has some good insights into the cryptocurrency market cycles.