
in short Focus and Adam Guerbuez both admins of burst nation have stolen from miners on ninja pool, misshandled developer funds and just stolen a 100tb miner that my shareholders paid for.

I just do not understand how come the 100th hardware was in their possession from the beginning

they set up the original asset. burst4all. they didnt want to manage it anymore so offered to hand it over to Haitch. admin on the burst-team forums.
see below post

because he didnt want to do it. i stepped up with the offer to take it over.

obviously the 200tb miner all the original burst4all shares should of paid for he kept and basically donated his own 100tb miner. and in reality he just kept all the money the investorss paid for loaned a 100tb miner. then handing the project over to me only to take the 100tb miner and alll the investors money with it as the 100tb miner should of stayed with the asset