Well I do believe that security tokens will change todays financial systems. Eventually we probably will see most securities on the blockchain. But I doubt that Polymath will be in existance at that point.
- A good idea or concept means not much. If you dont have a good concept or idea you will 100% fail. If you have a good idea or concept you still will probably fail 99%. Therefore pretty risky to get into it.
- If the world will try to put securities on the blockchain, I would bet much more on really big companies like JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs to do it successfully. They are smart, they have the resources to do so and they know how this stuff works. How to do an IPO and what legal problems there are. Therefore they would be much more likely to succeed in this area, than a start up.
- If you claim to be a good advisor for such a project, because you invested in ETH at 0,40$, the only thing you bring, is that you got kinda lucky, that someone told you about it. I think very few people invested in it, because they researched something like it, most had been lucky to have someone in their information bubble to point it out to them.
- And lastley, I see the dedication with the Bitcoin or Ethereum developers, because they want to change the world. Most dont care really that much about money. With this dedication I think they have the drive to really change the world. However with the Polymath people, I think it is more about money... if they run into trouble, they probably just quit, cause they will have cashed out more, than they can spend. And they will run into some huge obstacles. At best, they maybe can sell the brand after the hype to a big bank.
Great video, I would love to see such an analysis of a project which would have a real chance to be successful from your point of view? I am thinking of maybe OMG, ICX, Kyber or something like that.
the concept may be a good idea, but the execution will be key. And with most ICOs and Polymath, we havent seen any execution, yet.
Also to have a couple of advisors, who claim to have bought Ethereum and Bitcoin at 0.40$