KORECoin Swap and ReBranding on 10-14-2017
*** How the Community can help make it a Successful Swap!***
(Please check this post regularly for updates.)
Support the KORECoin Swap to KORE on 10-14-2017 by loading the new KORE wallet,
mine coins and stake soon as the KORE Team and Bittrex approve to release wallet to Public.
Keep track of your Time Zone here:
Again,... This is when Bittrex will cease trading for KORE so the Team can work with them and test.
It could be many hours before we release the wallet to the Public
and we need your support so keep watch for the post of the release.
- The Timer is when the "snapshot" will be taken of the old chain so don't move coins anywhere 1 hour before timer ends!
We nor Bittrex can be help responsible for lost coins if you do not follow the guidelines.
FIRST and Foremost:
1- Educate yourself on what the Swap means and how it is done.
2- Make yourself available to load the wallet on as many computers as you can, stake some coins "and" mine.
3- Be Patient. Swaps are a ton of work and we are all sleep deprived.
Help us make this easy peasy for all by being supportive, patient and understanding in you comments and actions.
4- Help others. If you see someone in Discord, here, Twitter, Farcebook, Telegram, YouTube etc.
and you have enough skills and knowledge to help them along,... Please do so.
The Team and Community will forever be grateful for your involvement!
5- Support the Swap by making this easy on Bittrex. Please do not send tickets in and be posting in their Slack
with "Are we there yet, Are we there yet, Are we there yet" type posts. Bittrex has and will be working
with us closely and best their time and attention remain on the Swap at hand.
6- Support the KORE Team and Community and Investors by your positive actions.
7- Read everything here carefully,... then read it all again and determine what actions
you personally could do to help make this a smooth, positive experience.
8- IF by chance you do have any serious concerns or issues do not plague the Forum or Social Media with them.
Post to myself in Discord, Twitter and here in PM about them. This is the proper professional way to handle such matters.
Not out in a public venue. We will then determine the best course of action and inform the Community ASAP of anything critical.
1- Why is there a Timer?
The Timer shows when Bittrex will cease KORE trading and the start of the time the Team
will be working with Bittrex to get the new Wallet up to date and test with them prior to the release to the Public.
The Timer is also to notify people to Support the Swap by installing the new wallet ASAP once the Team
and Bittrex approve the New Wallet release to the Public.
We don't know how long this testing will be. Could be many hours.
Please read Bittrex swap post carefully. It explains this clearly.
This does not mean things are going badly.
Just we are doing testing with Bittrex prior to the release to the Public.
2- Are my coins safe on Bittrex?
The Team and Bittrex have done much planning to make this a smooth transition no matter where you coins are.
The responsibility and decision to leave them there is entirely up to you.
3- What do I need to do to have the new wallet show my coins in it?
Pay attention to the public release of the wallet, download it ASAP, Start it up, shut it down,.....
NOTE: Only create a new password for the new wallet IF you do not have an old korecoin wallet. Your old password will work.
.....go to your hidden files and folders to the KoreCoin folder, copy the wallet.dat file,
go to the new Kore folder for the new wallet that is labeled Kore, paste the wallet.dat file in that folder.
Start up your new Kore Wallet, wait for it to have connections and test your password.
4- Will KORE put out videos to help with this transition?
Yes and we do hope we will have enough time while testing with Bittrex so it will be the real thing.
5- How do I setup Masternodes?
The concept is from DASH but we will provide a guide at the release.
We hope to have a video too but this may be in the few hours after the release due to time constraints.
6- How many coins are required for a Masternode?
The amount of coins will be announced at the release of the new wallet to the public.
7- Can I run a Masternode from one location or do I need a VPS?
Masternodes can run from one location but must have different IPs/VPN on one and both are accessible to the Internet 24/7.
8- Will KORE experience a disaster during the Swap like we have seen with some coins taking days and weeks?
The KORE Team have done all we could (under the circumstances) to make this Swap a smooth one and so will Bittrex.
IF for some unforeseen reason the new wallet swap does not perform as designed Bittrex has backups,
The Team will make themselves fully available during the testing with Bittrex and
we do expect to have any issues that may arise remedied in an Emergency ASAP fashion.
9- Where should I post to suggest changes or additions to this most important post?
Please PM me here, in Discord or on Twitter and thanks for them in advance!
10- When should I stop sending coins anywhere?
One hour before the snapshot is taken which is at the stop of the Timer.
11- What if I send coins after the one hour deadline and they get lost?
Neither KORE Team nor Bittrex can be held responsible for lost coins. We can only try to help you recover them is all....
You bear full responsibility.
NOTE: I give you my assurance KORE is here for the long run and no matter what,...we will be a Honey Badger!
The Entire KORE Team and Bittrex appreciates your unwavering cooperation and undying support during this transition!
The Bittrex Wallet is now Disabled from Trading.
Please do not send any coins from now on.
We will notify you when the new wallet will be released to the public.
Thanks for your support and patience during this most important Transition.
I have been informed you may still trade KORE on Bittrex.
All Deposits and Withdrawals are frozen.
Again,... DO NOT send any coins till you have the new wallet installed.
We will inform the Community when it will be available.
A Swap is a lengthy process. This is my first one and
I too am learning much. I have been informed 20 minutes ago it is a lengthy process
and to expect a 12-16 hour wait for completion, but would rather post a realistic time frame.
Your patience during this most important time in KORE History is appreciated!