Smoke Network!!
Smoke Network is a blockchain based cannabis social network. It is currently in BETA with the ICO starting during the next phase, and main net scheduled to launch later this year!! There are on the website about how to take part in the scheduled airdrop, you can also find a road map there, the white paper, and information on how to join the ICO.
Do you like to smoke and tell? Smoke network encourages and rewards this!
I actually don't partake in the enjoyment of marijuana anymore. I am however, still an advocate for marijuana use for both medical and recreational purposes. Marijuana is safer than prescription drugs, and I firmly believe it has the ability to improve the quality of life for people who are suffering both physically and mentally. I do not smoke it, but you absolutely should if that is something you desire to do. I live in state where it is currently legal for medicinal purposes and have personally witnessed it's ability to help people.
I am still fairly new to the crypto-space, but I have been investing in Smoke for right around 6 months now. I had the pleasure of meeting the founder of @smokenetwork (The Anxious Stoner) recently. I was convinced already that this was a good investment, but after chatting with him on a few occasions, I am now more convinced than ever that this was a great investment decision!
Now for the business!!
Those of you who know me, know that I love to "throw" stuff!
I have some extra smoke that I have been told to give away!!!
The only requirement is that you have an Openledger/Bitshares account!
To receive some free Smoke simply comment your account name below!
UpVoting is not mandatory to receive your free Smoke, but I appreciate the support!
To purchase Smoke take part in the ICO or visit the market here
If you do not have a Bitshares/Openledger Account you can create one here
Additionally because I can everyone who "enters" will receive some WHALESHAREs!!
Website: https://smoke.network/
Telegram: https://t.me/smokenetwork
Follow @smokenetwork on steemit
Come Visit me in Whaleshares Discord:
I'd LOVE to meet you!
Much Love
Amount of tokens distributed will depend on the amount of participants! Tokens will be distributed at post payout in one week!
Source: pixabay.com
Dear @krazykrista. I actually voted this post by faith before reading it. Had a wonderful time reading it. I had a looksi at the SMOKE website some 3 weeks back and grew incredibly excited. I'm so used to hiding my recreational activity that I was liberated by the incentive to showcase what I deemed shameful. When I was heavily depressed a few years back my lecturer supported my endulgance suggesting that the herb was one of the best natural anti-depressants.
I'm not depressed anymore and I'm fired up by the fact that in South Africa the constitutional court has granted us the right to cultivate and smoke legally in the privacy of ones home..
My Bitshares address is nyawo-mlaba.
Thank you for gracing me..
Thanks for the fantastic comment. Glad you have found relief and can do so legally now. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you @krazykrista..
Whoa the idea has so much PoTential
Bitshares: chrr21
hehe the irony here is that the first one who comments is a no smoker :D
Well if I don't smoke in real life let me at least do it virtually 😅
my bitshare: hazem91
We have been grateful for your help so far
Bitshare account is Valchiz123
Gotta support Nature, Legalize it!
Warrkin420 :)
p.s. What is peace if nature is Illegal?
Just to complete ur account list ;-)
bts: jjb777
Thanks J
gotta take you up on that offer @krazykrista as I'm interviewing some ICO candidates for April :). Now I can put smoke on the list. My Bitshares account is madra-rua. Thank you.
My bitshares account is freedom-exists. Thanks lady.
I was so high when i first read this post i forgot to upvote it and comment on it lmao... ahhh man o man... the reason is i saw this post and immediately told all my homies and totally forgot hahaha..lol then all of a sudden it just hit me this morning like oh shooot!! anyways thanks for this info... im on it!!
Thank you. You are a brave pne on this here new frontier. Love that pic. Looks deeelicious.
My bitshares address is sweetjoy1
Thank you
I don't smoke but if it has medicinal value it is not as bad then
Bitshares: teslim-90
This is awesome of you to do @krazykrista
You always post the best. Follow me. I follow you. Happy Birthday.
Ohhhh scuzzy ...I do follow you, you do follow me...happie happie birthday to you!
smoke network?
well so you have another comment from non smoker :)
Eye really want to support initiatives like this, because Cannabis Sativa can undoubtedly save humanity, if not entirely avert this frightinspiring Holocene extinction event, but since you so blatantly use the derogatory term "Marijuana", it tells me promptly that you have not properly studied its history and, more importantly, the manipulation surrounding this herbaceous plant of wonder, making me question why you're doing it in the first place, and thus can I not support this venture, for it seems to me to be yet another monetary ploy by Homo Insapientis, whilst I am here to solely Hemp the World, in a manner beneficiary for its denizens.
Alas, I guess normalization campaigns will be useful irrespective of the ignorance behind them, so, just like the GMO-farmer who simply doesn't know any better, you too should at least be thanked for your work...
Regards, perspective
🙏 1ove 💞
Thanks for this great opportunity
My Bitshares username is riahdex1
Wow, this will be a wonderful opportunity. Thanks @krazykrista for this favor
My Bitshares username is pearlie-yes
ty for your help, very nice job ::-)
bts: apcrypto80
Bts account: aquacy2
I stopped, but I still love it and I love crypto more. Legalize this shit :)
Openledger name :
@ganjafarmer on smoke and love it! Oh and same name on discord.
Love the bud! Blaze it!
I need a bitshares/openledger acct name :)
Not a smoker either for reasons but i use crypto lol :D
Account: niko3d
Looks good, theres a few cannabis community coins and tokens already out there but nothing that has really taken off like it could (and should). Get me some Smoke!
Bitshares - jezsmith720
Just wanted to say it's awesome you continue to support, but don't partake yourself anymore. In my activism, I meet a few people here and there who are the same, and I always make sure to thank them.
Free the weed : )
This sounds awesome! I have been doing daily wake and bakes on DTube and would love a blockchain network dedicated to connecting with other marijuana advocates.
I welcome any smoke and whaleshares to "kendama-odysssey" (three S's) on bitshares :)
Thanks for sharing this, I'll check out the Smoke telegram and your Whaleshares discord!
Smoke hard and prosper!
Congratulations to the winners! 😜
You win tooooooo, I got a book...it has your name in it ...you can never escape <3
@krazykrista you are such a darling, thanks for making my journey through steemit enjoyable ...bts id: dha-yor01
Thank you!
My bitshares account name: j4yp
Hope that someday the Philippine gov't can see the good in marijuana. Lol
smoke = health 😃
smoke = happy 😃
bts: historia-fitness
Wow @krazykrista you are such a good another give away .... 😃 you are just awsome.
Your contests are always cutting edge... I don't partake but agree that it can be helpful and should be legal.
Thanks for taking a few minutes to shed some light on the Smoke Network.
I just found out about the blockchain and currency a couple of days ago, so I'm a little behind but will do my best to catch up by contributing cannabis content.
My Bitshares/OpenLedger Account is: rebecca-ryanHi @krazykrista,
Thanks for stopping by
Non smoker , however will check it out , anything to do with the blockchain for tht matter
Anything crypto related turns me on, i am sure its gonna worth a trial.
What is the major activities that goes on there?is it like steemit that you have to post?
My bitshares account is factism001.
factism go check it out :)
Definitely i will. I am curious already. :))
just when I am trying to give up the weed for a while, guess I will have to give up giving up
openledger wallet paula-01
"Those of you who know me, know that I love to "throw" stuff!" oh yes! I know you =)
How I am not going to upvote this post? Thanks @krazykrista for all the love. I will read more about this project!
BS account name = ciar-cab
@chris-greenwood is my openledger account :) it looks to be a truly excellent project! Will it be built ontop of/alongside the steem blockchain? Maybe it could use SMTs?
You can listen to Smoke Radio on Las Vegas Cannabis Radio
a trippy alliance of cryptocurrency and cannabis? whoa dude- where's my car
Just found your post. I hope I am not too late. Bitshares account is learnandteach01Hey @krazykrista