Monaco, the cryptocurrecy card finally started re-issuance of the tokens.

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Monaco ico finished 18 June.

The functionality of Monaco VISA® Card will let you pay by BTC/ETH or any erc20 tokens anywhere where visa cards are accepted.
However couple days after ico finished they had to fix potential bugs.
what they did:

  • debugged & resolved the Smart Contract issue potentially causing MCO token multisig wallet incompatibility
  • downloaded all Monaco Token Sale transactions
  • tested the new token re-issue on Kovan testnet

and what remains to be done:

  • subject to successful Ethereum Mainnet test, re-running of all 12,000+ Monaco Token Sale transactions on Ethereum Main Net
  • issuing of additional MCO tokens as per white paper
  • unlocking of the MCO token

some of the delays were caused by ethereum mainnet congestion

today they finally starded re-issuance of the tokens.
Monaco official statement:

The speed depends on the congestion of Ethereum mainnet. It may stop & be resumed if trx pending for over 30min.
Please note that this is NOT the new token contract address, which we will provide after re-issue is completed.Important update (1/3): re-issuance of MCO token has begun, you can track the progress here:


~~~ embed:879448995092807680 twitter metadata:bW9uYWNvX2NhcmR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vbW9uYWNvX2NhcmQvc3RhdHVzLzg3OTQ0ODk5NTA5MjgwNzY4MHw= ~~~


monaco_card Monaco Card tweeted @ 26 Jun 2017 - 21:17 UTC

Important update (1/3): re-issuance of MCO token has begun, you can track the progress here:…

monaco_card Monaco Card tweeted @ 26 Jun 2017 - 21:20 UTC

Important update (3/3): Please note that this is NOT the new token contract address, which we will provide after re-issue is completed.

monaco_card Monaco Card tweeted @ 26 Jun 2017 - 21:19 UTC

Important update (2/3): the speed depends on the congestion of Ethereum mainnet. It may stop & be resumed if trx pending for over 30min.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Czytałem o tym projekcie kilka dni temu - wygląda interesująco, ale bardzo przypomina mi Dascoina, który jest już w bardziej zaawansowanej fazie :)

Dascoin nie jest w ogóle w żadnej fazie bo to scam, nie mają kompletnie nic poza naganiaczami, kołczami i resztą mlmowej chołoty

Yeah I have heard people telling it's a scam, but without listing why