Now days people are running for bitcoin , etherum , litecoin ,dash coin, zcash & much more which are expensive. There are lots of coin which are under $1 & will give more profit in long run. According to my opinion top alt coins are below.
Ripple is used by bank. Everbody thinking that this coin will not rise up. but sure it will. Even ripple is moving very slow but very soon it will reach $1 .
Yes .. Digibyte is also sleeping giant. Even digibyte did not succeed in citibank contest. but next few months it will run like a bull.
Golem is super computer technology. Golem will also explod soon. Because its team is working very hard. Lots of people are not aware about this.
sia coin is another under value coin . Few days ago i buy sia coin it was just 560 satoshi and within 6 days it went to 800 satoshi. Im pretty sure will cross 1200 easily.
syscoin is another coin which is less than $1. So if you are beginner for cryptotrading go for smaller coin first which will definitly rise up.
Best of luck
Interesting post. I agree with siacoin definitely I think I am going to invest a little in that.
You should check out my post on the 5 first crypto coins I have I tested in and why. :)
I like your picks and agree there is potential with the low price coins! Thanks
Nice article. I was about to post a similair post. It's surprising how much uneducated investors the crypto space has. You still see people invest in this shady and scammy coins. We do need more indept investment analysis. Personally I always use: Since I use this site I make so much less basic investment mistakes. On: For the DigiByte Investment research.