The different industries just waiting to be disrupted! - Part 3

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

![blockchain-network - Steemit.jpg]()

13. Healthcare - Within the health care industry. one of the main challenges faced by companies within the space is data loss due to  human error as well as hacking because of the outdated infrastructure used as seen in the recent Wanna-cry virus. Blockchain can allow information  be stored safely and shared among doctors and patients in a secure manner thus preventing data breaches and being held random by hackers. There are currently two start ups within the space named Gem and Tierion causing immense disruption already in their infancy.

14- Energy management - This industry has been heavily controlled by a handful of companies for a very long time. For some reasons energy producers and users directly purchase energy from one another and must reciee their energy supply through the National Grid. There's a start up named Transactivegrid which uses the Ethereum Blockchain thus allowig for the middle men to be cut out and users to purchase directly from one another. Revolutionising this industry for the better.

15- Music - Within the online music industry musicians have to give a percentages of what is made  to platforms and record companies. Smart contracts solve licensing isses and Catalog songs with their creators. Within the industry  Mycelia and UJO are creating solutions to solving those issues.

16- Retail - When going out shopping consumers have to trust the retail system ie POS systems. However with the Blockchain technology retail utilities connect buyers and sellers without the use of a middleman ans associated fees. (sorry Amazon and Ebay)Trust within such a decentrailized system comes from a smart contract system, reputation management as well as the security of exchanges. Blockchain marketplace where you can buy and sell goods are OpenBazaar and OB1 with Bitcoin. i use OpenBazaar which is quite good but never tried Ob1.

17 -Real Estate - When it comes to buying real estae, there can sometimes be endless amonts of paperwork and can be subjected to all kinds of fruad due to the lack of transparancy within the system. Errors within the record system can common due to human error. Blockchan reduces the need for paper based record keeping and helps with the vertification of ownership, ensuring docuemation accurary and transfering property deeds. Ubitquity is a blockchain start up helping to use secured record keeping services.

18 - Crowdfunding - Within the crowdfunding industry it has become  very popular of fundraising among start ups, projects and investors alike. Plkatforms help create trust between the creator and investors but do change excessively high fes.  Blockchain based crowdfunding  allows trust to be created through the use of smart contracts an via reuputation systems removing the need for a middle man. New projectts can be release their own token representing value  later to be exchanged for products, cash and also services. Many start ups within the Blockchain space have used this method for fundraising. Although their is a lot of regulatory hurdles to cross the outlook for the future remains long and bumpy but worthwhile i'm sure.

 If you know any industries that Blockchain is looking to disrupt and i have not mentioned than do post it down below.

If you missed part 1, here it is for you. 

if you have missed part 2, here it is also.

Look out for part 4 tomorrow.

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Happy Steeming


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