If Bitcoin drops, you do the same as other people do when stocks drop:
You panic sell at the lowest point and then get angry when the "institutional" or just more intelligent traders buy to make a huge profit later.
If Bitcoin drops, you do the same as other people do when stocks drop:
You panic sell at the lowest point and then get angry when the "institutional" or just more intelligent traders buy to make a huge profit later.
Lol yes - Lock in those losses and 100% guarantee your loss! Genius!
It's only loss if you sell.
If you bought Bitcoin at 120€ and sold it at 80€ two days later, you made a loss.
If you sold them 2 month ago...
If you think something you "invest" in is going to a total loss - then don't start putting money in in the first place.
Lenn - Sorry I don't think I was clear in my comment. I 100% agree with you, I just think these people that buy high and sell low are insane or not informed. I'm super confident and secure investing in most cryptos, especially Bitcoin.
Thanks for the laugh, @lennstar and @moondogcrypto!
As a beginning stockbroker, one of the the first things I learned was that paper losses are just that, and if you did your homework, and still have faith in the underlying security, they are meaningless.
As @lennstar said, it's only a loss if you sell, and since I'm actually following my own advice and only investing what I can afford to lose, I can hold indefinitely if I need to.
In crypto market we never know which is called as bottom of the coins ,so we should start accumulating from the first dip of coin tell it reaches bottom.
This is the opposite of the strategy used by most professional traders.
You don't buy until it starts moving up again.
This is a MUCH safer strategy than riding it to the bottom.
yes it is also a great strategy to reduce the loss % in crypto.thanks