Seems like LBRY is making a bit of a run right now. It's looking like my wife is just a natural when it comes to picking random cryptocurrencies. I think my only project that is doing better right now is NEO. Maybe I should just start getting all of my financial advice from her. Then again she might just recommend coins exclusively based on her hobbies.
Not sure what's driving the mini-surge today but I'm not complaining.
Here's how the project looks so far:
LBC Owned | Current Price |
832 | $0.41 |
Investment | Current Value | Net Profit/Loss | Profit per Day |
$436.04 | $341.13 | $-94.91 | $-1.94 |
Price jumped up a little bit to $0.41 today and in turn bumped our loss per day down to under $2 per day. It's pretty sad that I'm excited about only losing $2 a day on a project! It will be such a relief once more of my projects hit the breakeven point.
If you have any coins you are hyped about let me know! Each week a take a random coin from my comments for the week and I buy it!
I also hold LBC, unfortunately it looks like it will soon fall below 3000 sats (20-25 cents)
what do you think of EOS ?
I love it! I buy some every Friday.
Natural laa, no risk no gain. No pain, not okay!