- Pigeoncoin is a mineable cryptocurrency network using our new X16S (shuffle) algorithm. It was launched on March 21, 2018 as a proof-of-concept for X16S.
- X16S (shuffle) is a fork of x16r that intends to improve power consistency by shuffling sixteen algos so none are repeated each hashcycle while maintaining the same level of ASIC resistance. http://whitepaper.pigeoncoin.org/
- Wallet is currently the core wallet. Works on macOS, Windows, or Linux. http://wallet.pigeoncoin.org/
Step 1: DL the wallet.
Step 2: Run the pigeon-qt.exe .
Step 3: add nodes in the console (help -> Debug window).
addnode seed.pigeoncoin.cc:6969 add Or take IP addresses from http://explorer.pigeoncoin.org/network and enter them in the console like so:
addnode "IP #" add (hint, it will return "null" which is normal).
setgenerate true -1 to max hashrate getmininginfo to check hashrate.
- Explorer is hosted at http://explorer.pigeoncoin.org/
- Source is kept up-to-date on GitHub. http://github.com/Pigeoncoin
- Blockchain is a Bitcoin-style proof-of-work system with 1 minute blocks, 5000 PGN per block, and a halving interval of 2.1M blocks.
- Website WIP - Bitcointalk's thread released as fast as possible for fair launch https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3208091.0
- Official Development Fund Address
## MINERS ##
- # Nvidiahttps://github.com/ocminer/suprminer/releases
- # AMDhttps://github.com/brian112358/sgminer-x16r/releases/tag/v0.4.0
Getting Started for sgminer, if you need information on how to get it running properly: https://github.com/brian112358/sgminer-x16r/wiki/Getting-Startedhttps://github.com/brian112358/sgminer-x16r/tree/master#donation-addresses .
## POOLS ## Address by default is the official one from development fund (you can verify it with @Luke Pighetti pinned message on this channel) Replace it with yours to mine on your wallet
- Kwchmininghttp://kwchmining.com/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://kwchmining.com:3333 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG.RigName -p c=PGN
- Cryptopoolhttps://cryptopool.party/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://cryptopool.party:3737 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG.NAME -p c=pgn
- Slinginghttp://slinging.io/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://stratum.slinging.io:4444 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG.NAME -p x
or ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://pgn.slinging.io:3333 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG.NAME -p x
- BlockCruncherhttps://blockcruncher.com/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://blockcruncher.com:3333 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=pgn
or ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://blockcruncher.com:3366 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=pgn
or ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://blockcruncher.com:3636 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=pgn
- Suprnovahttps://pign.suprnova.cc/ (requires account) ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://pign.suprnova.cc:4096 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password
- Alttankhttp://alttank.ca/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://alttank.ca:4646 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG.WORKERNAME -p c=pgn
- TheBSODPoolhttp://bsod.pw/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://pool.bsod.pw:2196 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG.rigname -p c=PGN
- Lycheebit from https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1162211 https://www.lycheebit.com/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://lycheebit.com:3637 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
- Corpopoolhttp://pool.corpopool.com/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://pool.corpopool.com:194 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
- Elitehashhttps://pool.elitehash.net/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://pool.elitehash.net:3666 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p x
- Huopoolhttps://www.huopool.com/site/mining ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://alog.huopool.com:3663 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
- X-i-techhttp://x-i-tech.com/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://x-i-tech.com:3638 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
- Coin-miners from @[scorpio pool.coin-miners.info] https://pool.coin-miners.info/site/gomining?algo=x16s ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://stratum-eu.coin-miners.info:3663 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
- Fasterpoolhttps://fasterpool.com/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://fasterpool.com:3663 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
- Robocophttps://robocop.online/ ccminer -a x16s -o stratum+tcp://robocop.online:3663 -u PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -p c=PGN
## Solo Mine ## pigeon.conf - ccminer from @ocminer :
- ccminer from @brianmct : - sgminer from @brianmct :
- sgminer from @ocminer : @brianmct donation addresses: from @Kevin (kwch) from @crowetic - cryptopool.party from @BigZim(ThreeEyed) from @birdman from @ocminer from @AltTank Mining Pool | alttank.ca @ekze (bsod.pw) @[Cryptogrande] (bsod.pw) support/marketing from @AnotherYou from @Admin (CryptoHashTank.net) @Admin pool.elitehash.net from @huopool.com from @Time Lord from @Allroad [FasterPool.com] from @Robocop.online Pool
ccminer -a x16s -o -u user -p password --coinbase-addr=PDiZ89gk5HMqwrcGp6Hs9WdgFALzLbD4HG -i 19
goto start