Please, check out my Post and get your wallet that comes pre filled with
0.00050000 BTC -Bitcoin
0.00100000 BCH -Bitcoin Cash
50.0 BLK -Blackcoin
100.0 BCN -Bytecoin
0.00500000 DASH -Dash
1000.0 DOGE -Dogecoin
20.0 EMC -Emercoin
0.00150000 ETH -Etherium
0.00200000 LTC -Litecoin
0.00300000 XMR -Monero
0.00400000 XPM -Primecoin
200.0 RDD -Reddcoin
30.0 XRP -Ripple
0.03000000 ZEC
You will find the referral link I posted. If you don't want to use it, you don't have to.
But please do, because otherwise you wouldn't have even known about it :)
Thank you very much all and don't forget to Re-Steem, Upvote and Follow!
1k followers and I will start a weekly giveaway! Check out my Blog!