
Your normal videos are good but so are the QA's ones, so maybe try to do a QA video at the end of each week, like "The Friday Crypto QA". Anyways keep up the good work.

PS, Been watching you on YouTube for a while but never thought to check if you had a Steemit account for some reason... anyways from now on I'll watch/comment over here instead of on YouTube (Already followed and upvoted!).

I lost my first account because of my password.

Please help me to continue.
With warm regards and thanks for your understanding. This is my new account followe me @mohammedfila

First time I comment on your posts here on Steemit:) Good vid m8

You have an amazing heart beloved. I just watched your vlog #70 and followed you on Steem. I appreciate your transparency on trying to aid your family and friends. I get it, its hard to break some peoples programming and familiarity. However, keep shining your light because I see it and its really pure.

You have a New Fan in me!

Yours Truly,

#Theeillgloryfactory 🙏🙏🙏

Would you please do a video on your understanding of staking Ether into a Validator Pool and then collecting rewards?

I know very little about this and would like to know more. What type of return would be be able to expect and what is the time horizon for the payout?
