
I love IOTA ♥️🚀

I followed you over here from your Youtube channel. I have a small amount of IOTA. Lately I was bothered about the FUD and uncomfortable regarding the unknown deal with Q. I have the light wallet and it is quite bad. I really wish there is a good wallet soon, without that I have little confidence adding to the position. I enjoy your videos. Thanks.

Im invested in IOTA as well. im trying to increase my position on it as we speak! I see big things happening in the near future with them.

Thats so useful post mate. I will support you and follow. Thanks for sharing!

Been loving the series Louis, good to see the vids through dtube too! :)

I think IOTA has a lot of potential ,it sounds interesting from what I learnt , we shall see

From a technological side, IOTA continues to blow my mind over and over. For that reason alone is why it's my favorite. Definitely the most interesting crypto to me.

Thank you Mr. Thomas, very informative video, I also have got big hopes on IOTA, with VW and Bosch on board I don't think this project will fail and finally a new possibility to store our IOTA in a save place.

Long term holder of IOTA. Very interested to get my hands on the new wallet. Like many people, I've had my fair share of issues moving IOTA around and I have big hopes that the new phd dev has some tricks up his sleeve. The promises of the tech, its departure from the blockchain, the sheer number of collaborations and foundation growth points to exciting things. Hell, as a social experiment, IOTA has got to me one of the more fascinating projects out there. The sheer amount of FUD, hype, doubters and controversy has made this an excellent crypto to watch with the popcorn. Q.....hmmmm, the Q. Come from Beyond's price predictions regarding the Q are a little funny ATM considering no amount of news seems to make the markets move these days (the Taipai announcement...crickets! UNREAL)

BTW mate, new apartment looks quite sharp ;) Enjoy Cardiff.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for watching!