In this video, I'm gonna be sharing 5 reasons why I love Steemit, the decentralised content platform that utilises the Steem cryptocurrency/blockchain.
Original date of upload: October 23rd, 2017
***I am in the process of adding many of my videos from YouTube on to DTube. Apologies for any posts that you've already seen before!
▶️ DTube
No ads!
haha what a comparison,
ild rather eat my greens before watching youtube ads
i hate trolls
Trolls can make for a good comment section from time to time though. Yet less is better!
6.more bots...
7.more problems with governance (regulations and stuff) ...
8.cannot delete content (which is against the EU law)...
So there are also some negativ aspects
do you think that they will find a way to fix 8?
I agree its better than YouTube, it has none of the problems YouTube has and I think it can compete with YouTube.
agreed! saves me from typing all that!
Well, to be fair, everywhere is "less trolls" compared to youtube...
Less Trolls... pfft, dislike
couldn't have said it better myself
R.I.P. YouTube. Long live STEEMIT!
Youtube is shooting its own feet!
Why don't you post this video on youtube as well. Gotta educate the world!
YouTube might just delete it because it's against them. They don't want people moving over to Steemit.
Micro payements are a reality we can now democratise the web and get paid without advertisements :)
Spot on! And they make a big difference in the long run with compounding and the potential future of cryptos.
New Resteem Service!

** This is a HUMAN service, no bots! :) **
If this post bothers you, feel free to just flag it! No need to be bitter.. Thanks! :)
Steemit rewards you only for good content, youtubefor shit content.
If fanboys upvote the content of their favourite content creator, the creator will get reards for shit content too. So, no difference :D
Hello as a small youtuber, I am going to say its a little bit different steemit than youtube, on steem it you get paid for your social network and also quality content, and on youtube you get paid for people who view your ads on the videos.
Steemit will explode when people start to realize what a ripoff all the other social networks are.
A great reason to switch now is because of Youtube's recent decisions to stop paying so many people. Steemit will be bigger one day. People will come by the masses with the right marketing and promotions.
That's what I'm talking about, Steem is leading the way :)
Yes, the potential of Steem is incredible! :D
ABSOLUTELY TRUE. It makes me want to start a blog right now.
Politics seem to burst into just about everything lately, but perhaps the most alarming area is within the social media platforms. Not that social media shouldn't be used for political discussion, but rather that heads of social media companies are steering political discussion in ways they see fit by rewarding the opinions they agree with and hindering those they don't (via pulling or pushing advertisements or just straight up making some content easier to see than others). Steemit seems to be a step in the right direction for a more honest dialog online which is exciting. That being said the troll is never removed.
YT, FB and others will adapt or will be made obsolete within 1-2 years ;)
Here NOTHING is hate speech. On Youtube everything can be called that.
HHHH just with tow UP-VOTES i earned in what i earned in 5 months from YT.
My experience there is not different from other experiences of the newbie youtubers , I had a channel since 2007 and i waited a lot before having the right to monetize my videos on YT (10000 views ), a few months later, I have to do more to be able to continue to monetize. They are now asking for 1000 subscriber and 4000 hours of watching time ! it is a decision that will surely kill small chains that have barely begun, despite the content they offer, it is an angle of unilateral and vulgarly capitalist decision , i´m happy to find that alternative .
Now that YouTube has taken the Youtube partner program for small channels they will lose upcoming channels that could be great. I was getting an avg of 4k views on my videos but still they are taking my partnership away. Youtube was built off of small creators and this is how they repay the community.. I am in the process of moving all my content over from youtube over to DTube while deleting it off youtube and I will support this website 110% and give my heart and sole to help grow this community. And I will not support youtube by leaving my videos up for people to watch. if they want my content they will come over to DTube. The only video I will leave on my channel is one saying to join me on DTube for future content. I hope you all do the same! let's do this, let's make this big!
Big high 5 for that comment !
Thank you :)
Great infoo...!
Fucking true story man ;)
Really interesting insights that you share. Hope to hear more from you in the future (just found you on Youtube and DTube this evening)!
I totally agree man, Dtube and steemit are the actual use cases of crypto as a whole and provide significant steps to adoption of currencies. Youtube is past century Dtube and platforms of the same nature are going to become the future
Im so glad your doing well. ill be having a hard time figuring out what to do for videos, or even if ill do any good at it. Future upvotes are in your f-future......
I can definitely see DTube taking a big chunk of consumers from Youtube. No ads and your financially compensated to create and comment.
I don’t even have to watch this to know Steemit is way better than YouTube. Hopefully one of those reasons is there isn’t any Logan Paul here yet lol. If not make it #6 😄
Writing a blog post on here is a better outlet than writing in a diary!
Thank you for the info
yeah i dont think Dtube will over take youtube it is taking hours before even a 40 second video is uploaded
o yeah and when there are more people joining Dtube and using it for uploads the longer it will take.
if there are a 1000 people uploading at the same time and you join in as well with your upload you will be 1001 in qeu needing to wait before everyone else is done uploading before its your turn yeah i dont think this ever will be a hit
that how its works of right now for as far as i can see and trust me the 40 seconds video i tried uploading took over 30 mins while on youtube or twitch soon it only takes a second or 2
i can not for the life of me think about wen someone with a 10kbit line is uploading omg then mine thats second in line will take days
DTube is still in its infancy. If you havent noticed it only sup[ports 480P video. Give it some time to mature and grow. It will get better.
audio sounds a bit ( )
You got my vote!
Welcome to steemit Claudia. Nice to meet you...
I am new here also posted my introducing blog article two days ago. I am pretty sure you will enjoy it too, in case it will attract you somehow, upvote and follow me @rhoty . I ll be thankful for any feedback, question or advice for more experienced people here.
Thank you very much!
Criptocurrencies have come to stay, they're not a passing whim. I hope to see the end of youtube, facebook, etc ...
there are 2 reasons its better then youtube not only you will be making money the viewers who like your video will as well xD
there is your 2 reasons
I upvoted and resteemed. I agree with all the points. I'm pretty new to YouTube and don't have many subscribers. It's also harder with the new partnership program. Thankfully, I'm making videos for experience. ^^
Thanks Louis, do more videos like the last one with other youtubers!
Btw. guys wanna free token? Two airdrops:
aaaaand one more:
Thanks for adding this - I will watch.
Goodbye YouTube
On YouTube - you’ll make money in 2 years. On Steemit- you’ll make money in 7 days.
Enough said..
Great video. :) DTube seams like a real alternative to Youtube. And not like Platforms like Vidme or something else. The principe is way better.
Another full and frank video, caught this a while ago. Hope LA was a blast, any thoughts on current instability of bitcoin Louis?
very very true !!
Love the video, i finally got an account and am working on DTube submissions. Thanks so much for sharing your comparison.
Thanks for the video. I started YouTube last year right after they changed their policy to 10000 views. Then all of a sudden another policy change. I am glad I found this platform to give a try. It seems like the potential here is great. I am glad I got in while it is still early. Good luck!
A friend of Mine put me onto your videoson to DTube and enjoy your style and not a millionaire but so far enjoying the ride, thanks for your insights, followed your advice and got me a Steemit account :) #HODL #Haters gonna Hate
Great video! I'm just starting out here after being on YouTube. Very new to me, I'm still learning.
Loved the video and yeah, one of the main reasons I join steemit & dtube is to move my channel over here, seems friendly and hope to transfer some to most of my videos over here with the possibility to make exclusive content over here as well who knows I may promote steemit over on my youtube channel.
the future is decentralized
very informative! keep it up!
I agree with this and I thing Dtube is the future. I have just had issues trying to upload on DTube. I seem to get getting allot of errors?
Spot on! I don't see why more content creators will be willing to move their content from Youtube to dTube. With crypto getting more mainstream, steemit will be recognized as a great social media platform that pays ( could it be any better? ;) and dTube will become more mainstream!