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Great post Luis, you're on of the best blockchain youtubers.

Best decision of your life. They will thank you later. You already made huge profits and it's only the start!

Not just profits.. he must have made a fortune by now

The problem is if you have bitcoin you cant buy anything, at the moment. And the fluctuations are to huge.

I have only gone 10% of my savings in crypto and made more than 10X
I can now imagine if I had put 50% then what returns I would have taken now. But that is just the start and way ahead to get more.

Just wait until the next halving when we go from 1800 coins mined daily to 900. You haven't even begun to see mania.

Agreed 100%!

not just ignore them, in general it doesn't really mean nothing what anyone thinks as long as you know where are you going. :)

Big thumbs up from another guy who went all in in crypto-space, lmao

You should use bittrex instead of blocktrades ;) Your fees will thank you.

Yes, it is risky, but i hope that you will earn some money :D

M1nEp7h.gifExcellent Job! Thank you @louisthomas , I also resteem your post!!

Good luck 😀

I invited my family to join Steemit. Even my Mum now blogs on here. I thought this was the best way to let them know what I am investing in :) I even made a post about it today ahha

Nice argument! Resteemed.

You have to play to win rite..

My mum told me how can this work, she can't imagine. Well I gave her an example from not so far ago. Credits cards, I remember when paying with CC was a huge shity procedure, without any wire connection. A lot of people were telling then, how they won't use this plastic and stuff. Bit look at them today :) My mum has like 5 eur in the wallet and else is in plastic. So the answer for next question was already on the table: "what if there is a huge electricity blackout?". Well dear mum, and how will you manage it now with your super duper black card? Same same he

you are already financially independent I guess,, So your family should just encourage you to keep in up in crypto world.
and Later they will thank you for being a part of the future in your past.
Keep it up

Same reaction from my folks. Which is why I lied saying I stopped dealing with crypto, so they will leave me alone.

Good luck. But i think you just gonna lose your money when its going down and thats over.. But GL

They will like it when you get one million of dollars (totally possible don't doubt it.) hahahahahha good luck!

Haha, that's a good point! ;)

The right decision is to keep going and doing the best and free you mind
and think about success.

I've been watching you for a while, Louis. And I really enjoy your insight into the different alt coins (especially IOTA). I've made some intelligent and sound investment decisions based on your input so far. I also agree with your take on taking advice from someone who knows nothing about this space. That wouldn't be wise lol.

Anyways, I just had this conversation with one of my friends on Facebook about Bitcoin. He claimed it had no real value and here was the dialogue that followed:

I'm just glad we're all having these conversations now. It's great!

Cryptocurrency is the new world's steam power . Go on

You are gonna be rich bro! Good luck!

I like cryptocurrency.

It looks like we are on the same page, my family sees me as been really stupid and also I am tired of encouraging anyone to do it. And I think its the best decision to make for now.

Most people usually can't spot the potential of future technologies until it is ubiquitous. Cryptocurrencies are like the internet was 23-25 years ago. They didn't know what potential that had and now look at it. It will be the same with cryptos!

People are only scared of what they do not understand, they have your best interests but you know best. Currency as we know (fiat) will not be the same next year. It's probably the wisest thing you could have done to go all in as we understand the future and where it's heading. Plus! No gread reward without risk ;)

Many people will still think crypto is a scam or a fraud when BTC hits $100k. Unconscious thought processes attached to an historic & dysfunctional debt based fiat system will, in the end, start to crumble away.

It's true, the world of cryptocurrencies is a dark world, attractive but surrounded by dangers.

And Full of terrors

People deem you a Genius or an Idiot without much grey area.

Whats funny, is people judge you without even looking into it themselves.

Great post as always!

Very good advice, thumbs up!

Ja daumen hoch

Brave decission :) Good luck !

Good luck and I agree I think only a small percentage of people know much about crypto currancies and the blockchain.

If it makes you happy then I think you made the right decision. Personally, I think cryptocurrencies are profitable for many people because they know how the system works, know when to buy, HODL, and sell. I wish you much success in your future endeavors and hope to hear more about what you learn in your investments!

Last year when I told my dad to buy Bitcoin at $600 and Ethereum at $5 he told me to stop wasting time with these star wars coins lol but now he see's the value.. still funny tho!

Yes i encourage them to invest.

I'm getting there - it's a wild ride, but so wonderful!

please help me again do not play my photo no one vote please voto have me

bitcoin risklimi evet . risk olmadan büyük para kazanılmaz . korkunun ecele faydası yok.

We are very new in the cryptocurrency field. We were reading everything we can, trying to decipher how this really works. Is there a page that you can recommend us to start learning about? Thank you very much. we will follow you to learn with your publications. Greetings.

Start by reading books on cypto, Blockchain Revolution by Don Tapscott would be one book. You can go to your local library and borrow them for free. Keep on learning, because "The more you learn, the more you earn!".


Going all in is kinda scary but it would definitely be worth it in the end

Mine are very suspicious and think cryptos will all come crashing down.
But I know that's it's the best decision I ever made.

Good decision as I too love Crypto. Keep accumulating

All that parent would advice you is make sure you trade with caution.

i agree with u

keep it up

Cryptocurrencies he is thethe future ,Thanks louisthomas for sharing this

Cryptocurrencies/blockchain is only risky if you are ignorant and refuse to understand what blockchain is, what businesses are being built on it and which have the best chance of still being around in 5 years. It's undeniable that blockchain is and will change the world. I would argue it is more risky to not have a small amount of investment in this technology. Remember ignorance creates risk, so to reduce it know what you are investing in.

I think 80% of those "investing" in crypto currencies will loose their money because they are trying to trade in an out of coins they haven't researched. I decided to buy the best financial newsletter to do the research for me and because of this I'm up 1000% on my portfolio since March of 2017. The best part of the upside is still to come.

I wrote an article earlier this morning on a company that has incredible leverage to blockchain growth going forward. Blockchain is one of the biggest mega trends of this century and we all should have at least a small investment it it. I often say blockchain is like the internet of the early 90s. Don't get caught missing out on the opportunities. If you want what I consider the very best leverage to blockchain growth and want an easy way to invest through the stock market, read my article:

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