[dtube] My Thoughts on DigixDAO and DGX Token

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Pedja Markovic asks "Thoughts on DigixDAO and the upcoming DGX token (backed by gold)?"

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

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good info

These are both very interesting tokens. However, I don’t want to be over invested since I’m already physical gold owner. Whoever thinks investing in gold is a great idea and wants to use this DGX token I think it’s a great idea.

Digix DAO backed by gold? Trade in gold? What a time to be alive, definitely a go

They are interesting propositions but why buy crypto backed by gold when you can just buy gold?

Hmmm, what if you want to travel and take your gold while backpacking through Somalia?

Good luck using a computer or a phone there to access your DGX anyways lol

DigixdDAO is one of the coin that performed wonderfully well in the market is about $242.56 in exchange and it market capital value $485,112,000 USD, is the coin that I can beat my chest on due to reliability. I pray new DGX will also perform well.

How much gold per token?

I investigated about DGX and if it work as it says, the price should be higher than the amount of gold backing it.

Hmmm, true in a certain sense, it's both goods and service.

It's a good way to invest in gold for the cryptocurrencies fans. The important thing is to verify that the gold that backs it exists and so avoid controversies as with USDT

Lol, so many Nigerians here, we should be able to create a Nigerian Prince Token (NPT) soon.

Let me know when the ICO begins hahaha

Listened to this video previously and you made some great points. Personally I like it but I am not sure if I would be taking a position on it just yet

Well, if you want to store value, just throw your money at it :D I think that it might be even better than USDT and all of those? At least this one has a verified backup.

There is definitely that....the backing I mean. Backed by gold or equivalent thereof is a bigdeal. The problem is that almost all of my savings are tied in the market and I do not want to terminate my positions before maturity. I have had my eye on DGX and DAO for sometime and would definitely be looking forward to add this to my portfolio but not anytime soon.

Oh! Makes sense. But sometimes, one of the markets falls and you have to short it, so you could just short into DGX and keep it there while you buy something else. DGX should not move in value anyway since it's backed by gold.

But I get your point. I have some ESP since a long time ago and even though it falls a bit sometimes, I think that it'll rise in the end. So I won't sell and I won't try to lower the sails and anchor my boat in GDX if I think that favourable winds are coming soon.

I’m really interested in one of those two tokens. I think DGX is a great alternative to gold.

Why don't you like DigixDAO?

It's good to have an alternative when DGX is down, but not sure I would hold this coin long term.. Thank you for this video!

If you look at the history and purpose of the banks it was to hold people's gold and give them a "banknote" for how much gold they had..


They used these banknotes just like we do dollars and euros today. So basically DGD and DGX are like the blockchain version of that, which is the REAL gold on the blockchain!

I remember talking about Digix here last summer when it was only $10!

Never using any of them and im a bit "green" in those. Good video, i got some knowledge for free!

Coins with backup might be solid but all could end being a scam

Very big ideas and really wonderful
Information is very important
Thank you

i thought it become great,,i want to investing here,,DigixDAO is such coin which is at a position of great marjket price

This is a new world, here in Venezuela we have "petro" now... I don't know what think about a cryptocurrency backed by gold. I have to read about it.

its really great idea of investing it,
your previous vedio i naughtyfy some point,,,that was great,,,its really great gold

i like personally DGX ,,,i see a great future for this,,its like as gold,,thanks for post

Will be the same as Tether no? it will need to be thoroughly audited regularly. Who would be the name holder for the gold in the vault? someone has to be in charge.

quite interesting get the best of both worlds , but gold will not fade away

You understand things pretty good i must admire this... Moreover you give better advises...

Better than Tether that's for sure...

DGD tokens are less “currency” than a representation of your “stake” in the platform. By owning DGD, you've established a stake in DigixDAO and therefore are rewarded with something like a shareholder's privileges: voting on proposals that determine the direction of DigixDAO. They also give holders rebates and discounts.

Since DGX tokens have not actually been released at the time of this article, the actual effects and benefits of this aren't yet to be seen, so we'll have to wait and see how things come out after everything has been released and things are settled.