For going on two weeks now coinbase has been frequently double charging their users, This is something I have been following because I was personally affected to a small extent in this thread alone you will notice complaints popping up hourly.
They seemed to be working with people to fix the situation until recently when people who have had their double charges corrected (myself included) have been charged again weeks later. ~~~ embed:CoinBase/comments/7xo4ii/coinbase_charging_me_again_for_past_transactions/ reddit metadata:fENvaW5CYXNlfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9Db2luQmFzZS9jb21tZW50cy83eG80aWkvY29pbmJhc2VfY2hhcmdpbmdfbWVfYWdhaW5fZm9yX3Bhc3RfdHJhbnNhY3Rpb25zL3w= ~~~
Coinbase can be convenient to use if you are too lazy to verify for other exchanges like myself but for the time being I would highly recommend avoiding them all together until this gets solved.