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RE: Are All ICOs Now Officially "Securities" According to the SEC?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Wonder if they grasp what Ethereum devs did to correct that theft? By creating ETH they essentially doubled the amount of ETH by creating ETH and ETC. So whomever has stolen that 50 million got away with it because ETC is still traded on the open market. Now BItcoin Cash (BCC) wants to do the same for BTC even though both are trading now at different prices on the open market. They are not going to fork BTC on Aug. 1st because they already have with BCC, am I the only one that sees the fraud here? If you buy a digital apple from me and I replicate it before giving it to you have I given you anything that I do not have? No, I still have a digital apple, now you do too, but I also now got your money. Check out


While it may seem like you'd have less at first, you're really getting two apples, both of which (in ETH & ETC case) have a much greater total value seperately.

Many people held ETH through the split and kept the ETC they were given or sold it immediately. The total value of the two chains today is more than 10x what it was at the time of the split. ETC's market cap alone is worth more than the original ETH in 2016.

It's not bad news, if you hold BTC through the fork you will have both coins which you can sell or hold. Here's an article I wrote about how to profit from the split just yesterday:

Profit From The Bitcoin Cash Split

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Jeffrey Anderson
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The Anderson Report


@cryptoNEWScoins on Twitter

I remember seeing I can't believe they raised $62,706!!! Wow. Humans are pretty stupid, I guess. Do we need the SEC for stuff like this? No, we need people to stop being stupid.

Forks of existing blockchains is something I'm still not a big fan of. The different examples I've seen just confusing things. It also makes me wonder if they are just attempts to get identities attached to old addresses since you have to put them in an active wallet and sign something to prove ownership. My BTC is in paper wallets, so I'd rather not bother with that.