July 2013 Digital Time Capsule: Bitcoin Tweets from @lukestokes

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to part 6 of 11!

The Digital Time Capsule project is a labor of love where I filtered through over 25k of my tweets to find some old favorites about bitcoin. I took screenshots and organized them for your enjoyment using Twitter Advanced Search for bitcoin from my account in 2013.

This will be a series, one month of tweets per post. Searching for and organizing the tweets for all of 2013 took more time than I anticipated, but I hope you will find it worth it and these insights from the past will help you better understand the present and the future. Experience and expertise are only gained through time, and time is our most valuable, non-renewable resource. I hope you enjoy this series and appreciate the time represented here.

Who Cares?

Good question.

I think these tweets are helpful to others because I first bought bitcoin in January of 2013. I paid $50 for 2.5 BTC. Since day one, I've been passionately involved in learning about and educating people on what cryptocurrency is and why I think it's going to change the world. Relatively few people were involved in Bitcoin in 2013, so few people understand what it was like to experience it back then. I want to share my experience with you because I think you'll gain a bit of experiencial knowledge which may give you important context for today.

As this series progresses, you may recognize similar themes from back then, over five years ago, to now. China banning bitcoin, the dangers of keeping your bitcoin on an exchange (ex: MtGox), price volatility, holding and not selling, and the failures of the current financial system. You can click on each tweet to view the original.

I hope you find it useful.

If you'd like to follow me on Twitter, you can do so at @lukestokes.

July 2013

Thanks to everyone who has commented on this series and told me how much they've enjoyed it. We're more than half way through 2013 already! When I remind myself of the volatility we had back then, it makes today's volatility seem really tame in comparison.

Tweets from August 2013!

Full Series:

original image source licensed under CC0 Creative Commons

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


As you promised more tweets =)

Yep. :)

Some of things I do on the blockchain I kind of do just for me and hope others appreciate it also. I'm going to enjoy looking back at these tweets many more years from now.

It's good when you do something for yourself and others like it ... Greetings!

Lols bitcoin banned in Thailand since 2013!? Wow really? I never knew and this is my first time of hearing this. Thanks @lukestokes

Yeah, the sad part about some of these tweet links is they are now dead. Maybe that should tell us something about the current "Bitcoin banned in..." stories we see in the media today. Hmm...

With this, I have no doubt that cryptos will be up again. Or what do you think?


I wouldn't be so committed to this space unless I believed in it's future value to the world. :)

Great to hear. Thanks

First time I noticed that it is a 11 part series.
"Bitcoin is back around $100 after recently dropping down to the 60's"
-man those would have been the days, I swear.

I remember a day when bitcoin crashed hard. I grabbed some emergency cash from our safe. It was raining, and I told my son to get in the car. We drove to the bank and I did a wire transfer right then to buy bitcoin through... I think it was bitstamp for around $50. I absolutely nailed the low and it felt really, really good. I told my wife and by that time the price had already come back up. We replaced the emergency cash. :)

I can't tell you how uplifting it is to hear this story from you, particularly with all this fud going around. I am tired of hearing about bitcoin millionaires. Just want to hear more about normal folks making and getting something out of the market for their normal lives. I don't know if I am making any sense........
it's good to hear from you man. Thanks.

I would like to do the same with Steem, now that his price is dropped.
In your opinion, what's the bests (and cheapest) procedure to convert €3000 to Steem?

P.s.: I completely agree with

time is our most valuable, non-renewable resource

and this is why I'm really grateful for the time you gift us!
Thank you very much, @lukestokes!

@lukestokes "the value of technology won't go away" - I love this quote.

It's amazing how much foresight you had back then!

i appreciate your work
thanks for sharing your experiences

Very useful and informative post.

I wish I had known you in 2013.... orz... ^_^

Imagine how many people in the future will say, "I wish I knew a user on Steemit in 2018..."

Haha! Good one, Luke! ^^

It is good to see, that FUD already was widely spread back then. It has to give us hope!
Nice to read how some people were thinking about bitcoin in 2013. Back in those days I still had the impression that I was something dark belonging to some kind of dark web.
O boy, how wrong was I!

Thanks for helping people to make them know about cryptocurrency,you paid $50 for 2.5 BTC that great.
I am surely voting you on witness support me sometime if you want.

thanks for supporting all steemit user,,,i like your post


its great job
thanks for sharing bitcoin based post ,,,now a days its value are increasing high rate,,,thanks for your supporting us of sharing your experience,,,thanks a lot,,your post are always usefull for me,,, i all time wait for your post,, my dear @lukestokes

Bitcoin dangerous to Thailand empire? How dangerous could it be that it neccesisated it ban.

OMG I wish so much I would have bought BTC for this low price too and I could afford an accurate painting academy now. Hope the market increases in the next months to new ATHs.