Today I read an interesting article by Derek Andersen, which I saw it prudent to share with you all related to “Binance is the cryptocurrency exchange of choice for Chinese speakers, and the X social networking platform is the source of most of the information they use to make investment decisions, Hong Kong-based publication TechFlow has found in a detailed survey.”
It noted, “76.1% of respondents were male and 57.4% were between the ages of 26 and 35. Just over a quarter of respondents were younger, while users over 55 accounted for only 0.45%”
Among the responses from “Respondents with between three and five years of experience in the cryptocurrency market were the most common, at 34.76%. They were followed by those with one to three years (30.94%) and five to eight years (21.29%). Only 6.19% had more than eight years of experience.”
According to the survey, “The majority of respondents (69.61%) said their preferences for a particular exchange would not be affected by regulatory factors, which also indicates that investors are gradually becoming less sensitive to the regulatory behavior of different governments.”
China's cryptocurrency market is active, “Slightly more than a quarter of respondents were engaged in full-time coin speculation. Approximately half of the respondents (49.41%) owned more than half of their assets in cryptocurrencies”

Cointelegraph. Binance dominates among Chinese crypto users, X provides guidance. Link

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