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RE: Why is crypto still not adopted by the masses?

in #cryptocurrency9 years ago (edited)

Good points. I think you mean the world wide web the internet has been around since the 60s it still took some time people thought it was for geeks and laughed that you would read news on a computer when you can sit in a park in the fresh air and read the paper among other things. You had to know code just to send an email how many people would do that today? Even at that stage not in anyones wildest dreams had people starting thinking/planning/dreaming about selling online. Credit cards took some time too almost 10 years for mass adoption people didn't trust them or "fully understand how it works" The average person does not want to know about encryption keys hashing and blockchains they want simplicity the last thing they want to do is change. When you pay for something with a credit card do you go home and look up how the payment gateway works? You don't need to understand it I have been in the bitcoin space longer than most people it has come a very long way but you are right it has a long way to go the network could not even handle mass adoption right now. The chances of mass adoption of just bitcoin are very slim anytime soon what bitcoin gets integrated into could rapidly change things, so yes Steemit has attracted people in masses who know very little or have little interest in cryptocurrency this is a great thing!

I also posted about this stuff today ;)


I should also add the dust has settled now even the mainstream media is starting to get it I mention this in my post the blockchain is like a massive app store bitcoin is just one app, the first app if all goes well hundreds, thousands, millions of other apps are on the way who may integrate bitcoin in some way just like Steemit - That's were mass adoption will come from rapidly some of these people won't even know they are using bitcoin its already happening