My blockchain is my personal history encrypted in the DNA code
Stored in past tense by means of the nerve cells in the akashicos records
Only through my biological interface
In the present tense that you can come over my blockchain
But you will not obtain valid data if you ask them to me directly
You will have to get close to me in eyewitness and very sincere mode
Observing my behavior in front of the life in real time
And only that way you will receive a coin of wisdom
This is my creative contribution for what received
In the ecosystem of Crypto assets of this multi-verse
These coins do not sell
for that reason they do not bid prices in coinmarketcap
Only they multiply and they scatter like aerial spores
Also I have my slopes and climbs
But while you keep alive, always will have value
By means of feature ínter's connection with the cosmos.
If you read me in Steemit, you will not be able to obtain these coins
Since only you will see one of these images
Than right after seven days be left frozen in the time
The equipment of mining it's nothing more and nothing less than
the most perfect machine on this planet , my body
Endowed with some spectacular capabilities than each day I go discovering
And learning to utilize efficiently.
The bigger power of mining happens when I go into active meditation Zen
Moment which I dedicate all of the resources I count with in
The capability of change and adaptation of the operating system
Of my interface biological
it is the more important attribute that I possess
Because it can be reprogrammed by myself
In order to interpret my blockchain's data
next to the data of the present moment
So that you be useful for the opportune production of coins

The contents and the photo is to my authorship, phot taken with Lumix DMC FZ7
This is a translation of my original publication in Spanish
AQUÍHola amigo @maraguacare, le invito a participar en una iniciativa de @carolinaidrogo, replicado por la amiga @mllg. Un abrazo.