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Chris Coney Recaps Anarchapulco Day 2
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Looks amazing! Wish I couldve made it down there!
This area of Anarchy is completely new to me but the concept of private cities is really interesting. However, how will it differe in the social aspect since lower income sectors will not be able to participate either. Governments will not allow this further segmentation as long as borders remain as they do today.
Try replacing anarchy with voluntarism Access to the private city would be voluntary. Income wouldn't matter as much as ability to create value as determined by others in the city.
Governments are in the business of growing and maintaning their power. Any action that threatens or reduces their power scares them.
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The idea that everyone has to create value is a good one. Too often, the existing society treats people as if they have no value, which causes decline. Respect has a lot to do with overall health and well being in a community of any type.
lmfao that artwork with Murray Rothbard cheesing just made my night!!!!!
I can't wait to attend your first annual Chris Coney-apulco. Or was that Cryptoversity-apulco. Anyway, thanks for all you do and keeping us updated on the event.
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i'm sorry but its clear you neither have a conception of what anarchy is nor how a private city compares to a state. want to know what a private city looks like, look at coal mining towns. Rothbard was a fraud who knowingly misappropriated the language of anarchists and libertarians to prop up his worship of capitalists and there private property governmental system.
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I follow you @marketingmonk. I'm new here, please guidance senior hehe
nice nice follow you and vote thanks..

Great idea.., but governments always wants a piece of the actions. How will powers get distributed? Ultimate power, ultimate corruption.
I saw your good posting well.
I followed you.
I want to talk to you in the future.
me likey this :D
If it is true that every year it is just the same speakers they risk just becoming an echo chamber for their own ideology. Which might feel great when you are in a place where everyone agrees with you, but will ultimately mean whatever your goal is will never have any real world impact.
Anarchy has a great background but its not very likely to succeed in today's modern societies. Good post.
Nice video presentation. Always flowing your post, resteemit , Upvoted and comment.
Really like your post sir @marketingmonk
plzzzz dear vote me and follow me .............<3<3
Are they doing anything like the TED talks, where they will record the talks and sell/grant access to them later? If people knew it was going to be recorded they may be less likely to either use the same presentation as before or spend the hour shilling their courses.