How To Profit 📈 From The Upcoming Bitcoin Hark 🍴 Fork Of Bitcoin Cash vs Segwit (The Cryptoverse)

On today's episode of The Cryptoverse:
The Kraken exchange offers the opportunity to trade Bitcoin against Bitcoin Cash. It’s very high risk, but it could just be a way to profit from upcoming Bitcoin hard fork.

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Is it possible that the upcoming bitcoin hardfork it just a clever scam being done by some of the (said-to-be anti-segwit) bitcoin miners, as a way to profit quickly (with almost no risk) by doing the following...

  1. Forcing a bitcoin hardfork (with most people/miners supporting the segwit chain, with a small minority that say they are anti-segwit but may not care either way)
  2. Getting an equal amount of BTC and BCH after the hardfork (no BTC loss, only BCH gain)
  3. Selling off their BCH for BTC right after the split (something almost everyone else will also be doing)
  4. watching as BCH dies off rapidly and becomes irrelevant (due to pro-segwit supporters staying with the BTC chain, and anti-segwit supporters jumping ship back to the segwit chain, making close to 100% segwit support), in-turn making Bitcoin go back to a single chain (BTC)
  5. Sitting back and counting their money/profits as they gain on the # of BTC they have in total (so if they had 5 BTC before the split and sold the BCH they got for an extra 1 BTC they would now have 6 BTC), and then watching as their (recently inflated) BTC goes back to its normal price and likley far beyond it (making a quick profit with almost no risk of loss due to only gaining BTC (never losing), and destroying the BCH hardfork intentionally early so the original BTC price rebounds and continues up likely well past its initial price).

Anyways, just a thought that came to mind recently as this all unfolded so I would love your input on this if you get the chance.

There is still a possibility (however small) that BCH will survive and BTC will die.

How can Bitcoin Cash (BCC) launch on 8/1 without any mining support? Is that even possible?

A selection of miners who are currently mining on the main chain have announced that they will switch their allegiance as soon as Bitcoin Cash launches.

I watch this video, very nice and good for users. @naz722

I would like you to livestream and show your trades on kraken live with us very much. I was planning to also use kraken when I saw there post.

One question. I presume that the price of BCH on kraken will drop hard fast. Would the Chinese exchange 'viaBTC' keep a higher price because less people will try to sell there and maybe even more Chinese buyers on viaBTC?

I expect BCH to crash pretty much immediately yes. If the price is higher of ViaBTC then traders will simply move their BCH to that exchange and sell it there instead, pushing that price down too. Traders will sell wherever they can get the best price.

Ok thank you for the reply. FYI, BCH wallet 'electron cash' is out.

Don't know if it is safe yet. I am even considering transferring some BTC to kraken so I can trade BCH immediately

the bittrex exchange is also supporting bitcoin cash and will give anyone with a bitcoin deposit in their wallets as of july 31st 1 for 1.