Starbucks To Begin Blockchain Pilot Project

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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0:56 Story - Binance Launches Desktop Software For MAC

That means you download this software app and access the Binance exchange directly without using your web browser or the world wide web.

That means your interaction with Binance through this app is much more secure than using a web browser and it also means it’s harder for Binance to be censored if clients are connecting directly.

Combine this with a VPN and you’ve got yourself a nice little setup.

This desktop app should also be much much faster than loading the exchange from the web.

I’ll say it yet again. Binance may get ribbed for their fees but you can’t rib them when there is clear evidence that they are diligently investing in research and development to improve their service.

This is particular impressive behaviour since once a company reaches the position of market leader they tend to get lazy.

Binance however are making sure they stay ahead so they don’t get caught napping.

If you don’t already have a Binance account by the way I’d appreciate it if you’d sign up using my referral link in the video description and I’ll earn a little bit of commission for that:

Story - Twitter CEO Dorsey Believes Bitcoin Will become the World’s Single Currency in 10 Years

That’s bold.

He also said it could happen sooner than 10 years.

And would you believe it [red]

So at least he is expecting Bitcoin to become the world currently while putting his money into helping make that a reality.

However, bad news for the Lightning network recently…

When almost 20% of the network suffered a denial of service attack.

This is one of the downsides to having major hubs in a Lightning network, it creates a focus point you can attack for maximum disruption, which is not something you can do to the Bitcoin network.

2:13 Story - Starbucks to begin blockchain pilot project to trace coffee from bean to cup

Straight from the horse's mouth


Ding, ding, ding, an open source approach, I thank you.

[orange] see that’s why crypto cannot be stopped, because it will just do the runaround, go to developing countries and then slip in the back door of developed countries, nothing you can do about it.

So Starbucks already had this ethical sourcing initiative and blockchain technology gives them the opportunity to categorical prove that the claims they make are in fact true.

That gives them a competitive edge in the market and holds the whole industry to a higher standard.

Too bad their coffee tastes like arse. Go Costa.

3:39 Story - Venture Capitalists Inject $12M into CryptoKitties Project


[orange] It’s kind of tough to figure out the value proposition don’t you think?

I suppose the opportunity is to make money but I’m not sure how many users play CryptoKitties for that reason.

I ask that because I’m wondering what their marketing messages will be. When they spend that $12m, what’s the hook?

Since it’s based on Ethereum they’ve got 2 things holding back the growth potential of their business.

One is the processing capacity of Ethereum and the other is the requirement for users to pay for transactions, which is such a point of friction as to be untenable in my opinion.

My regular listeners already know what my solution to that is.
I’ll leave all you newcomers to discover that for yourself as you tune in to more episodes of The Cryptoverse.

5:03 Story - Market Roundup

IDH pump.


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Starbucks news is a positive as it can demonstrate the many applications of blockchain technology is a variety of different industries. Payment processing does not need to be the main problem to solve as many processes in business remain inefficient due to centralization.

Haha, Chris tell us how you really feel about Starbucks coffee!

I liked the quote you highlighted about farmers who have nothing, yet they all have their smartphone. I see this first hand all the time as well. I really like OMG for this reason. I used to live in Thailand and now I probably spend 10-20% of my time in the Philippines. I think very highly of OMG.

Finally I like the end to your video. I understand that yes maybe technical analyse may work and there is some value to it, but I think your final comment sums it up. "you know the crpyto markets... anything can happen at any time."

Thanks Chris!

Great comment. Have a tip.

Will it really take $12 Million to port Crypto Kitties to EOS? I think they’re paying too much. 😂

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Very nice crypto currency
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That stinks like a desperation move. They tried ignoring crypto, then they tried bad mouthing crytpo, now they are doing what they can to protect their piece of the shrinking pie, and slow adoption. I doubt it will impact your ability to accept payment, who only has 1 card these days?

It was totally clear, that lightning network is coming with a big cost. If give an opportunity to attack and we all know, that humanity will always take opportunities no matter if they are bad or good.
StarBucks coffee taste like arse ?! It is not my favorite, but believe me, there is a lot more worse outside.