All Eyes 👁️ On G20 Discussing Crypto TODAY!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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Story - All eyes on big G20 meeting

So the G20 is this international forum where governments and central banks from around the world have a sit down every so often and discuss matters relating to international financial stability.

G20 stands for group of 20 and includes
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union.

So a pretty good coverage of the world's major economies.

And what do you suppose they sat down and talked about on Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th of March?

You guessed it, cryptocurrencies, among other things, but we mostly care about the crypto.

So the world waits with bated breath as to what will come out of this meeting. If it’s overwhelmingly positive, we could be going back to the moon.

But check out what this Reuters article from the 18th of March says about the G20 and their attitude to crypto.


With that piece of information, it’s rational to conclude that an asset class that accounts for less than 1% of global GDP can be any threat to international financial stability.

So China and American, don’t be giving me any of that BS at the meeting OK?

Come on now, everybody knows all the central bankers secretly take their morning coffee with an episode of The Cryptoverse.

Yes Mark Carney, I know you love a black coffee with one brown sugar in the AM.

That interview spot on the show is open whenever you’re ready.

Story - Coinbase Successfully Opens A UK Bank Account Barclays

Last Friday the 16th of March I reported that Coinbase has been granted their e-money licence in the UK and would be establishing a UK bank account.

They have delivered.

They now not only operate as a UK limited company but they have a British bank account.

That means us Brits can now make instant bank transfer to Coinbase and purchase crypto without the painful 3% card fees we were previously paying for instant buys.

This also makes Coinbase the best off ramp for crypto for those in the UK who want to sell their crypto and put the funds back in their bank in a flash.

This is what happens when the UK government lays off the crypto regs. Coinbase comes to town and starts building a foundation to ensure London maintains its stats as a global financial hub.

As I Brit I can’t tell you how happy I am about this.

I’ll close this off by repeating what I said on Twitter.
Coinbase, now that you’re aiming to expand your London office staff to 8 times the size, why not invite me down for a tour so I can make a video to seduce some of that world class London talent.

Hey, I’m only thinking of you.

And just before we get into the market roundup…

Story - Playboy to Soon Allow Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Across its Platform


Did someone say cryptocurrency adoption?

Imagine this. You’re flicking through the channels late and night and you accidentally end up on one of those free preview channels.

What if there was a cryptocurrency QR code, right there on the screen that you could just zap a payment to and boom, the freeview channel feed switches over to premium content in an instant.

No awkward conversations about certain line items on your credit card bill, nothing. Just an innocent crypto transaction from your phone to Playboy enterprises.

“What’s that? The Bitcoin blocks are full again? God damnit ya’ll, I’m trying to play some Satoshi dice over here!”

Anyway back to the story…

And if you don’t believe my little skit there is realistic, guess how many monthly consumers Playboy TV has?


100m. Yes you heard me.

And why do these people like paying with crypto?

There’s still the problem of price volatility of course but that’s an industry wide problem that can only be solved through adoption.

So it’s kind of chicken and egg.

Story - Market Roundup

Don’t look now but there’s green on Coinmarketcap.

After hitting a low of $275b in overall market cap, we’ve regained about $50b in the last 12 hours putting us back at $321b with a big Bitcoin dominance of 44.1%.

Wow, it hasn’t been that high since December.

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Central Bankers and Finance Ministers will surely discuss how to address the risks and opportunities that these assets bring to economies. Blockchain will most likely be of particular interest as it may add to the tools these government institutions have to become more efficient in a more globalized society which needs faster settlements and increased transparency in the financial markets. However, given the decentralized nature of the bigger assets in the market, some may see them as threats to the bigger players of an established traditional financial systems (i.e. Banks). The major banks themselves such as Bank of America and JP Morgan have been the latest to recognize the risk the movement may pose to the traditional system. Given a world where over 2 billion people remain unbanked, the technology and the cryptocurrencies associated with it are highly likely to remain in the priorities of said organizations.

I stumbled upon your channel by chance and im glad that I did. Great summary video of whats happening in the crypto space and it seems well put together not like the other vloggers who ooh um, i don't know google it. Some solid information. The coinbase move to UK is definitely an interesting turn of events, opening up cheaper crypto to the UK and adding a steady flow of GBP will be great considering how powerful the economy is and all the bleeding currently happening.

I'm now waiting to see an English Premier League team to buy a player using crypto and accept crypto for ticket sales!

I sincerely love the development in coinbase and the stress-less purchase of crypto.
As for the G20summit, am certainly optimistic that the outcome will be super positive as we all watch for the breakdown of their resolution thereafter.
Thanks for keeping us aware of what happening in the global coinmarket.

I have same optimistic feeling as you do

I think a lot of governments will be scared of the transparency possible in the voting process by using blockchain!

Too bad politicians, time to play a game that you cannot rig.

Interesting video. My buddy and I went on a spending spree and bought a lot of great stuff with all our virtual currency! Check out all the bling in this video: