Big money big money! It appears that the US government has been approved by a federal judge in Utah to auction off some assets seized in an investigation into Aaron Michael Shamo. Shamo is alleged to be the Kingpin of a dark web opioid ring being run out of a basement in Cottonwood Heights. Very soon the government will be selling off assets such as a Ford F-350, BMW 135i, and millions in BTC and BCH.
This isn't the first time the US has sold their seized crypto, back in October they disclosed that they sold 144,336 Bitcoin at a price of only $336/ea, for a total of $48.5 Mil. Today the coin they sold back in 2014 would be worth about $2.3 Bil at $16k/BTC. Well of course it's strange for the government to #hodl and further speculate a time to sell off a tradable asset such as BTC or any other crypto, but how interesting it would be if crypto assets actually raised funds for the US, and these funds were distributed properly to assist hurting departments, or heaven forbid, pay off some debt!
Well they still aren't hodlers, and will be selling off this 513 of BTC and 512 of BCH for an estimated $8.5 Mil in the coming weeks. We sit with eyes pealed to see how this may shake the market as the US government plays crypto whale, and continue to analyze if there are any plays to be had from this. But wait, what if the US government hodled til 2020? 2021? Cryptocurrencies are just learning to walk picking up mainstream awareness recently, and is clearly heading for mainstream adoption!
Should the gov sell, or HODL!??! What do you think? Drop some words below with your thoughts, or just a statement about how crazy it is the US has to play Crypto Trader haha.
From the Cracking Crypto Team