In short, Status is WeChat - Ethereum Edition | 簡單來講,Status就是以太坊版微信

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Some of you may notice that there is a cryptocurrency just skyrocketed for almost 100% (once reached 150%), with the largest transaction volume in the past 2 days (21-23/7/2017). It is ...

或者大家會注意到,最近兩天(21-23/7/2017) 裡有一種虛擬貨幣的價格提升了接近100% (最多曾升了150%),而且交易量更驚人得成為了榜首,它就是...

Status (SNT) (  

I can't say if it's merely because Yunbi(No.7 Crypto trading platform in Mainland China) added SNT into its platform, but as the first platform in China which accepts SNT, its huge demands and money flow did provide an incredible fuel for the SNT to skyrocket. And other platforms like BTC9 and Jubi are going to support SNT trading before the end of July.


So putting aside of these, many of you may not exactly know what SNT is. The materials online are still insufficient. So what is it?


In short, Status is WeChat - Ethereum Edition.

SNT is Status's official cryptocurrency


而SNT 就是Status的虛擬貨幣

Status is the first project in Ethereum ever crowd-funded a maximum of 300K ETH in its smart contract. It is deemed as a star of tomorrow.

Status 是第一個能夠於智能合約中眾籌得300K以太幣(是最高的眾籌上限)的以太坊項目,可被視為明日之星。

Intro Video 介紹短片

Status is an open source messenger which runs on the Ethereum Network. Users may also send & receive payments, and SNT is the official currency of Status (You could also transfer other cryptos like Ethereum). It works with the decentralised applications built on Ethereum. So for the applications to be built in the Ethereum Network, they're going to enrich the functionalities of Status as well. 

Status 是一個在以太坊上運行的開放源代碼的通訊軟件,用戶可以發送不同的虛擬貨幣給別人,SNT就是Status 內的官方貨幣。而Status 就像微信一樣,可以運行以太坊內的其他各種應用程式,所以Status 的功能將會不斷更多元化

We all see what WeChat is capable of, and how it changes our lives. With only 6 years of development, we could do all sorts of things inside one single WeChat app. It provides a really good environment for people to get into the online payment. Online payment in China accounts for 75% of the total payment, while in US, the number is only around 5%. 

我們都見證著微信如何改變了我們的生活,僅僅6年的發展,就令本身只有通訊功能的微信,變成現在什麼都能做到的強大killer app。亦因微信提供了良好的環境,使得中國的網上交易了所有交易的75%。相比之下,美國的網上交易只佔5%

Of course, it is uncertain whether Status could hit a success at this point. Still, we can see a huge rooms and potential for Status to step in the global market. Let's see if Status could mimic the success of WeChat, and compete with each other, to provide a better living for us. 

當然,Status 能否在市場中佔一席位仍然是未知之數,但我們能見到其巨大的潛力和發展空間。希望他日能夠看見Status 變成跟微信一樣強大,並互相良性競爭,改變著全世界的生活。


Nice post.

Awesome post, upvoted and followed bro!!

Very good post


i follow you ..
i hope you follow me too

Followed 😁

People realizing Status paradigm shift into the new internet.


首先SNT不能像Bitcoin/ Ethereum 一樣用挖的。Status 鼓勵用戶貢獻社群及一起研發,所以它曾經舉辦過Contribution Period(未來相信仍會有),而回報就是SNT(SGT -> SNT)(可以看。這個做法同時令貢獻者擁有更大的話語權,亦防止有滋事份子惡意破壞Status,因為要負出沈重的代價。