I just did a rebalance today to the current top 8. Here's what it looks like about an hour later:
(Right-click and open the image in a new tab/window to get a better view)
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I just did a rebalance today to the current top 8. Here's what it looks like about an hour later:
(Right-click and open the image in a new tab/window to get a better view)
My spreadsheets are getting more and more complicated. Ha, kinda. :/ I've at least spread evenly among the (almost) top 8 - a couple I can't buy on Bittrex. Did put some in Hashflare yesterday right before the price increase today! Whew.... just hope I can reinvest and that they're not capped on hardware.
Yea. Keeping the spreadsheet neat through rebalances is tough. I've basically just cloned the tab in Google Sheets, typed all the numbers in the original tabs to lock in the values, and started over with the new number as my starting number... (Not sure I'm even making sense. LOL)