Great article, I could not have written anything better than you on bitconnect. I basically came to the same conclusion based on my experience in financial stocks. Your comparison of Herbalife was exactly my thought too. Why can ponzi schemes not work if they are established and well financed. All your points and conclusions are valid. I too made a initial small investment into bitconnect about a week ago and am very satisfy with the results.
I am currently watching the quantity of BCC coins because they changed after I started my investment. This dramatically affected their market cap. I believe it has to do with the inner workings of BCC people but can not understand why the coins dropped as there is mining operations running. What to get your opinion on that. Thanks.
Thanks for your comment! Here are my thoughts on your question. Because coinmarketcap has decided that non-circulating coins should not be calculated into the marketcap value. Therefore ~5 Million BCC coins were taken out of circulation as they are locked up into active loans. There are still 8.3M total supply, but only 2.1M are circulating. This is the best conclusion I can give you. Hope it helps you?