
@mdjim11 the style of copy and paste commenting you are engaged in is considered comment spam. Spam diminishes the overall quality and authenticity of the Steem platforms. @steemflagrewards

Read the advice from the pros, bro:

SFR DiscordSteem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@steemseph categorized as comment spam. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!

this has been distracting me from my art for DAYS. its absolutely annoying. I liquidated gold to attempt to see what this platform was all about too, which was a waste of my time. I'm getting my USD back and moving forward with a different Exchange, I just don't want anyone else to deal with this. so I'm spreading the word.

Fight spammers and make friends with other fighters?

absolutely. thanks for being honest and scouting for me.