Thanks for the information. I really want to get into crypto funds but they have to be using bots.
ALL THE FUNDS/BANKS on Wall Street use bots for trading. It's because they are guaranteed money for the banks. They make split decisions and buy on the lows and sell on the highs. Banks on Wall Street have been using bots for 10 years.
The average fund doing well will pay out maybe 12% a year. Meanwhile the fund managers get paid millions with an end of year bonus check. Where do you think that money came from? They trade with your money everyday ...but you don't get a payout every day. They do and they give you a measly 12% at the end of the year.
HaasOnline are selling bot software for the crypto world. Other companies are selling them now as well.
If a serious fund is going to appear on the crypto market, they need to be using bots like the grown ups over at Wall Street. But unlike Wall Street, daily payouts can happen with crypto around .2% to 1.0% a day based on volatility.
Show me a fund with a bot and I'll be there to try them out....if they are honest and give the investor their earnings.