I was with you right up until the "sent from my iPhone" part. LOL
Yeah, it's still early days for crypto. Now the question is which ones to invest in. Not if, but where, and how much of each? I'm spreading things around trying to "cover my bases". I'm learning more and hopefully choosing smarter than I did when I first tossed money onto bittrex and took a shotgun full of darts and let the chips fall where they may.
I'm for sure coming back to check the link to your videos! I need all the learning I can get!
I remember listening to Sneak talk about how the iPhone is the most secure phone on the market. I can't complain about it. :)
Yeah, there are a lot of amazing projects out there. I think the more we learn, the more we can find the winners among the losers. As long as the team is solid, the plan is solid, and the code is solid, there's almost no bad choices in this crazy bullish run.