Cryptocurrency can bring a more voluntary system to the United States.
We create a cryptocurrency that is designed to be used by the government, It has to be a currency government cannot create but only government spend.
The currency is equally distributed to all the people in the society.
the currency is not created from the wealth of the people it is not a tax.
Government creates a "fund me" account for every part of the government.
the people can then use that currency to fund any part of government they want to support.
this can also be done on the local level
create a currency for your local Town
The currency pays pay the entire cost
the people of the Town back the currency in in lieu of taxes and fees.
the town creates a fund me page
then people fund it with the currency.
The government can then spend the currency or they can trade it for US dollars. But the fund me page is a contract and is open to the public.
most local governments are very cash-strapped.
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