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RE: Late night thoughts about PnD, exchanges, referrals and so forth

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Does it really hurt you so much to see that someone has a different opinion than you that you need to downvote every single post?

Downvotes arent meant for disagreements, they are meant for spam, plagiarism, and illegal things like child porn.

I think you are porn addicted denerate but at least I respect your right to be one.

Learn to accept people's right to speak. How would you like it a bunch of christians joined dtube and downvoted you into oblivion.

People like you are whats going to keep steemit from succeeding unless people on here start thinking about the way they operate.


Because you're obviously a troll with absolutely no backing on what you're saying, you just want to rile people up and I think it's more than fair that I flag you as spam when you try to belittle everyone just by trolling and having other idiots upvoting you. Had you not put stuff in the "vegan" tag just to provoke I'd probably not even heard or see anything from you the same way no Christian would ever downvote me because I don't use the "Jesus" tab or "religion" or "Christianity" nor anything like that. The fact that you even took the time to go through my feed and comments (that are posted in the respective section they should be, unlike yours) proves my point even further that you're pathetic.

I put the vegan tag because the topic is veganism.

Who did I belittle? Vegan gains? The guy who made fun of furious pete for getting cancer? THe guy who viciously made fun of lex fitnesses wifes appearanc for no reason? The guy who who recorded his grandfathers death so he could put it on youtube and say how he deserved the heart attack for eating meat?

Or did I belittle askyourself who does nothing but make videos belittling people who disagree with him?

Using your metaphor. What if you wanted to write an article about how christians are trying to enforce their morals on society? Would it be inappropriate to tag your post with christian?

Are you so fragile with your convictions that you cant handle a different opinion than your popping up when you search vegan? My topic is veganism so vegan is the appropriate tag. Vegans don't own the vegan tag. This isnt a vegan subreddit. Its a forum for discussion.

No, the topic you're trying to put is merely just making fun of people and it is indeed in the wrong section, that's why I flagged you and if you check the reasons as to why it should be flagged, that's one of the reasons together with plagiarism and spam. If you want to talk about Vegan gains (I assume that's a YouTuber from what you say) there are certainly other tabs. Someone who does all those stuff you said is not a good person, in spite of being vegan or not so it's still not the appropriate tab.
If I wanted to do such an article (which I don't see the point because it's mostly untrue from what I see) I'd do it in a more civilised way and, once again, not needing to use the Christianity tab (organised religion, morals, ethics, liberty and so on would be more than adequate for that purpose) .
And you didn't aim for a civilised discussion or anything of the sorts and you know that. Your only intention is to troll which is perfectly in your right but don't expect to not have consequences like being downvoted. If you post a YouTube video that people don't like they'll also downvote you, same thing here, specially if you do it with that sort of attitude right away

Youtube downvotes have nothing to do with censorship. Youtube is a centralized platform that censors content bsed on its own authority. Steemit is very different. Content is censored through downvotes and downvotes based on disagreeing with someone are not proper uses of the downvote. Here is a quote on when NOT to downvote. from the following link

"What not to
Since downvoting is a kind of censorship, it must be applied with care.

Do not downvote content that expresses a different opinion than your own. Its author has the same right to free speech that you have. Feel free to post your own opinion in a comment instead, or in a separate post.
Do not downvote content simply because you dislike its author. In particular, don't downvote a post just because its author downvoted one of yours. That's childish."

You are completely wrong in stating it is not the appropriate tab. It is common consensus on here for everyone except vegans that you do not have to agree with the majority of people who use a tab in order to post to that tab.

For example, it is common to post issues one has with steemit under the steemit tab. People disagree constantly but such posts do not get downvoted into oblivion since, as you can see above, doing so goes directly against steemit's ethical code.

In regards to your claim that what I was doing was simply trolling, this is invalid. I cited commonly accepted medical knowledge on vegan gain's condition and provided analysis as to why I believe it to have been caused by his vegan diet. Stating one's truthfully held opinion cannot be labelled as simply trolling.

That being said, trolling is a completely legimitate form of free speech either way.

The only troll here is you. The person who believes it is justified to censor someone over differences in opinion.

Steemit's ethical code as in one guy who made a post 2 years ago. But even then it's said that you can downvote stuff that is in the wrong tab and yours was because you didn't want any kind of discussion, you just wanted to trash talk. That's why you, even now, are not offering any arguments but only contest the downvote itself. You knew exactly what you were doing when you put it in the vegan tab. Sure there are people who might have reservations and even disagree but they make a civilised discussion so I'd say that's acceptable. In your case it was just clickbait nonsense.
And YouTube downvotes may not have anything to do with censorship (although YouTube itself does that by demonetizing and so on) but it's a user's right to downvote something they don't like. The same way they can upvote if they enjoy the content but they're not censoring anyone by downvoting and neither do the users here on Steemit. Of course that if you get a lot of downvotes your content won't be as visible but that makes sense, imo.

This isnt one guy, this is something that has been discussed extensively and almost everyone agrees on.

Anyway. Here is the ultimate question at hand.

Just because my video triggered you doesnt make it clickbait nonsense. How is it clickbait when everything in my title and description was legitimately discussed in my video? Except baby else which is obviously a joke.

If all of my videos surround the topic of veganism that means veganism is the main subject of my content. Why should I not be able to tag my video with its central focus?

Isnt the point of a tag to give a one word description of the central focus of your content? If so that is what I did.

If an atheist makes an anti religious video, wouldnt the main topic of their content be religion? How is that any different from what I did?

I didn't even need to see the video, it was obvious what it was and it was not supposed to be there, that's it. If an atheist makes an anti religious video and puts it right in the middle of a religion tab he should be smart enough to realise he'll get downvoted which you either aren't or you don't care (which doesn't seem the case from what you're doing in this thread)