I have just read an awesome piece by Fortune, entitled "How Women Could Send Bitcoin to the Moon". I'm super excited to see such a high profile news source pushing this message.
Why do we need more women?
You may or may not have read my last post - it's an impassioned cry for more ladies to jump into, or at least get clued up about, blockchain and crypto. The reality is the world is changing and early adopters (who are overwhelmingly male) are profiting.
How do we make women care?
As women, we tend to shy away from pursuing profit and investment. It's not just that we don't actively invest. We don't even look into it. The Fortune article states that, "One analysis of Google searches found that 95% of people Googling “Bitcoin” were male, while only 5% were female."
I know that it's probably not the first thing women talk about to one another when they meet for coffee and maybe this is the reason we're not looking into it? Maybe we don't know anyone who has invested? Maybe this is the wrong place for me to be talking about this, given STEEMIT is a crypto/blockchain based platform?
But, tell me, where do I post this message? How do we get more people from all backgrounds, regardless of gender, race, job title, interested in blockchain? Because the sooner we do, the better it gets for all of us. More diversity = better outcomes for all.
Got an idea?
If you're already working on something or can think of a way to get more women into crypto, let me know - [email protected] I'm always looking to team up with awesome people who want to be the change they seek.
Wow, that Fortune article, great sign!! I think the key to getting more women, men, children (everyone) is to SIMPLIFY! The key to mass adoption is comfort of use!
Couldn't agree more! We just need to open up the crypto conversation as widely as possible!
I think we just need to have more conversations to get the word out. I have had conversations with other women on airplanes, while waiting in the line for my morning tea at the coffee shop, or while buying milk at the grocery store. I think you are right to share your voice if you are passionate about crypto and about getting other women involved. Find other women influencers and team up with them, share information, and work to get the message out to others. That's my advice anyway. Just keep posting and sharing information, you will find your audience.