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RE: TSS #1 Dan Larimer said one of the most inspiring thing I've ever heard

There is an old Biblical verse that states, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Indeed, in a world imprisoned by force, overwhelmed by corruption and violence, and on the brink of destruction... only lacking some lunatic initiating a nuclear holocaust. We desperately need Vision. But vision is only the first step. Action must be taken. (And thank God people like Dan Larimer have taken action.) I believe blockchain technology is the one best path to follow to sanity, to a possibility of living in peace, to the paradigm of sustaining and encouraging the individual through cooperative effort. My heart groans in deep sorrow when I consider the burdens of war, genocides, poverty, slavery to evil states, and diminishment of the human spirit heaped upon us by those who use humanity to sustain their dominion over us. As a Steemian I have a vision of what is possible: a Galaxy of creation, a new paradigm of cooperative abundance. Not just abundance of wealth, but of heart, of music, of art and all manner of creation. Now is the time to create this new paradigm, this new reality, this new world of Light. Let us be truly free!