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RE: Almost there...

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Its still the "early years". I live with people who dislike the system and decided to boycott it like myself, and even they don't seem interested in crypto and don't see how it will change anything. For me I am learning about it since a while now and its become an addiction lol. But to me , I see how all is working in society and I already see how hard it is to earn money from working on the street making music for example - people have no cash on them these days which means people who want to make their own way without registering themselves, having a bank account, having an official address etc are soon to be pushed back into the system as there's less and less cash on the streets.@nrad - We would like it to come much faster so we can enjoy the mass profits and to stop corruption from banks and the slavery involved :) But you are right.

If you ask me how finance will be in 10 years, it will be AI company's, AI blockchains and microchips dishing out some kind of cryptocurrency for the unemployed masses. Humans will be obsolete, and my prediction is that if you have no BTC or shares in any AI company's then you will have to sit in the house like that guy in Idiocracy film, but have to play games or watch ads to get some kind of "money".

I will never have a chip in my hand, nor will I be willing to sit in a house (again).. The ones who invested a decade before into the right cryptos will be able to do as they please, the new 1%.

Transparency, blockchain, and peer to peer trading with free markets are the things I am trusting in - pritty much with my life, because a life with no freedom is no life at all!

Sorry for the long winded reply and to but in, but I had to say it lol.


Well said my friend, couldn't agree more.

I hope for huge gains and adoption as well but unfortunately the idea of freedom from the powers that be and a free market seem impossible because it is clear that the crypto market/BTC is 100% controlled and manipulated. Fidelity, with 7.2 Trillion dollars of funds under management, recently announced they would start a crypto fund, yet this had no effect on crypto prices, when they should have skyrocketed past ATHs on that news alone, it's like Apple announcing that everyone in China and India will buy an iphone in the next year and the stock not going up, it's simply not possible without a level of manipulation beyond what has ever been seen in history. Markets are forward looking and in all my 20 yrs of investing I have never seen anything like this.