I have put together a list of free apps that you may find useful in tracking, organising, and learning more about, your cryptocurrencies.
Crypto Coin Pump Notifier

This helpful little app lets you set up alerts on your phone which draw your attention to potential mooners or divers. You're able to set up your desired percentage change in your desired amount of time for your desired range of coins (top 100 for example). Then sit back as the app shouts out when things get a bit choppy.

A great app for those with their fingers in many pies. It'll let you know how much of a coin you're holding, its 24hr change, the amount of profit/loss since you bought. You can also get detailed price and market information for individual currencies and your entire portfolio all in one place.
This app also boasts a notification system, up-to-date news, a handy holdings graph and is updated regularly with all the latest coins and exchanges.
Satoshi Button

Fancy getting paid to waste your time? Sick of checking social media, news and playing games whilst waiting for the bus, on the toilet etc and so forth? Well, this app is for you. It's basically a button that you press a couple of hundred times in return for satoshi coin. Why not hey?
Coin Market Cap

CoinMarketCap is a crypto coin prices and coin market cap tracker containing a portfolio tracker. Simply add your transactions to your real or fictional crypto portfolio and keep track of your investments with real time prices. Ability to track over 700 coins including: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum Classic, NEM, Monero, Golem, Augur, MaidSafeCoin, Zcash, Stratis, Gnosis, Dogecoin, PIVX and many many more.
JCP - Japanese Candlestick Pattern

Japanese Candlestick Pattern is a powerful trading tool that can produce a rosy return to you. There are many candlestick patterns available but only few patterns can provide strong reversal signal and are worth knowing. This fancy little app has summarised the 14 most powerful reversal patterns to help you in mastering this noble trade. Learning JCP has never been so easy and fun!
ICO Alarm

ICOAlarm is the most comprehensive ICO discovery and analysis application. ICOAlarm helps you to find interesting new ICOs, research detailed information about them, and notify you about ICO deadlines. You can set alarms (push notifications) that will be triggered before ICO's start and end of each stage (Presale, Crowdsale, ...)! Its information is detailed, it gives you exchange list notifications for all cryptocurrencies on all major exchanges, and covers all upcoming, ongoing and past ICO - so you can conduct all your thorough research without leaving the application!
Amazing apps, I'm sure these will help get me that yellow Lambo my 8-year-old self always wanted, but it would be great if you could add the links. Then I can be super lazy and not have to Hooli the app to find out where I can download it.
Bah! Good point ow!