I have to say, when I I first heard of Bitconnect I couldent believe i but atm iam ivesting everything in it!
just to get that 1% every day, to be honest I can pay my bills every month and it is crazy! and I hope that in a near future iam going to earn my coins when iam out sailing with my mates and I will do a Vlog about it and post it here :D
If you have questions about Bitconnect or anything related to crypto Iam willing to help you!
If you want to be apart of my team go by this link bellow
10dollar worth of bitcoin if you register for coinbase on link bellow
The good thing about bitconnect is that u lend bitconnect worth of dollar and they are then locked for a specificamount of time and u get the exact amount worth of dollar back but with an intrest every day to do whatever u want with u see picture abow.
in my case I just signed up for the TenX card to spend my Bitcoins! hopefully I get it in a few weeks!
Check it out! https://www.tenx.tech/
BitconnectX is going to be huge!
Cheers to all my Crypto Friends!!