I recently took a year out of work to focus on writing and home projects. In the past three months I have ended up doing some writing and research and taking up more community projects than I have home ones. One of those has been promoting crypto currency to friends, neighbors and family. Now I have been buying crypto for about three years and I still consider myself new to this. But not so new that I can't promote it at every turn and in some cases walk the less technically minded through it step by step. This morning a couple of my mates popped by and we were discussing the Bitcoin sign guy who held up a sign behind Janet Yellen while she was in front of congress and began discussing the potential impacts of that.
We began chatting about how no matter what direction you travel in or out of London that if you are on any of the busy commute trains you're surrounded by nothing but commuter bankers, businessmen/businesswomen, and the normal folk that in their boredom tend to pick up the left over papers left by prior commuters and this got us thinking.... We could promote crypto in the biggest busiest financial hub in Europe and annoy the shit out of bankers leaving Canary Warf and other metropolitan hubs at the same time! We could do that all over the city not just on transport! Now in the UK you can't put stickers on lamp post or signs on public property as the police will have you in bind quick, but a focused campaign for the two weeks leading up to Christmas of leaving leaflets on public transport in London, placed on tables in chain cafe's and coffee shops, random businesses, etc can be done. Anywhere we can get away with it without being fined, accused of littering, and staying just within the boundaries of law basically.
Now to make it clear I'm neither left or right politically. In fact I'm pretty much anti-government/political dichotomy as I can be without being thrown in a gulag. I have cultivated my life around resisting at every turn and when I can't do that, quietly encourage others to find ways to empower themselves by with holding money from banks. To also make another thing clear, we aren't in this for cash. The idea was born today and we will pursue it through. I'm counting on only two people at the moment (three including me) who have said their in and if anymore want to participate then the more the merrier. At current any suggestions from the Steemit community ranging from the most effective cover and designs for leaflets, suggestions on how to go about what I'm proposing, or just helpful advice would be awesome. If you are based in the UK we are looking at the two weeks leading up to Christmas to launch this effort so if you want to get involved I'll leave an email at the end of this and you can feel free to get in touch. I'm aware and ok with the fact that it will probably be just me and two other people come December as I have no grand hopes. If you do choose to get involved and join us in London (me being super optimistic) then contact me. Over the next few months I'll be sorting flyer design and looking at other methods of crypto promoting distribution that are outside of the box. I will be paying the printing and manufacturing out of my own pocket so that part of participation I'll cover. We also won't be including our crypto wallet addresses on the flyers as this isn't a drive for monetary gain, the aim is to put crypto currency in front of people who haven't heard of it as an option and rub the faces of those who have and don't like it in its success (bankers). I will however welcome donations of any sort. Whether that be suggestions, advice, people to participate, crypto, anything to add momentum and weight to this project. At the moment from what we were able to price out I can afford 15,000 flyers but I will be able to increase this between here and December out of my own pocket. If any of the Steemit community know of a print shop I can get a good deal from in the South West then let me know.
I understand that some will disagree with my method here but I am open to any suggestions that will streamline our effort and make it more effective. Try to keep it positive guys. Nay saying won't be heard as we finish every project we start and we've started this one so negativity can be with held as it will be pointless. However, constructive criticism is always welcome. If you're based in the South West of the UK and interested in getting involved we'd love to hear from you. We want to promote crypto currency here and any attempt is better than none. If you want to get in touch my email is as follows:
[email protected]
Design suggestions are welcome and of course if we pick yours it will be getting distributed all over London so maybe that's a win win for some? Dunno. We don't want it to look like a take away menu and there is a load of talent on Steemit from what I've seen so feel free to put in on that front.
At the moment 15,000 flyers is just a drop in the bucket, in advertising the return rate on that type of promotion is usually 1000 to 1. But if that effort convinces 15 people to take their money away from the banks then I count it as a win and as I said, I will increase that amount between here and December. We really are receptive to suggestions on content as well as design so please feel free to send away on both fronts. We want our effort to have an impact here.
We will be going through with this and any help will be appreciated. I'm going to leave a couple crypto addresses so those who want to donate rather than participate can be involved. Any help will be received with gratitude and we will make it count. Thanks for reading fellow Steemians and feel free to shoot me any questions as well as get in touch.
Bitcoin Address: 1HKGArJ3YDhzgRJPtSpqDThat2FnLj96ZQ
Dash Address: XagrecyRHsmVb3DNtBVoHo5kVEXexezLC3
Ethereum Address: 0x7232bee8Eb745262314D237D0dD174b1e4Df24b4
Litecoin Address: LhMPKbvB3Y2bTs9akqMNxP4vfsncxUmtex
Nice article. Anyone want to read a fun article on bitcoin have a butchers look at mine, many blessings
Will do. Cheers for reading. :)
Great writeup!
Keep sharing great content.
Thank you for reading. :)