Have you heard of the newest, hottest crypto about to blow the entire crypto space time continuum? No, sorry. You haven’t. Not until now that is. It’s called Handjob Coin (HJC) and here’s what you need to know.
1). It is so new, no one has even heard of it yet.
If you want to get in on the ground floor, why don’t you just meet me in the hole that is soon to be the foundation. From here, the sky is the limit.
2). Its innovative blockchain technology will be required to power your future sex robot girlfriend.
So, you think it is going to be easy to keep that woman shaped hunk of metal and silicon satisfied? Think again Casanova. Just like your smart phone, your trans-humanist monstrosity will not power down completely. If you don’t keep those circuits entertained, you’re likely to come home to a sex robot that’s ‘not in the mood tonight’.
That is right where HJC comes in. HJC will allow your sex robot to monitor your social media and communicate with other in network sex bots. In addition, it allows the bot to download apps and upgrades from providers like machinefetish.com, cosmobot.com and tantric-robot.com.
HJC will allow continued software upgrades, allowing you to come home to a new fantasy as often as you like.
3.) It can only go up from here.
I know what you are thinking. I don’t even have a sex robot, and I am not even sure I am going to get one, yet. But if you think this is all just about you and your future collection of sex robots you are missing the point. This is how you cash in on sex robots.
You know there are plenty of weird dudes out there that are going to have to get one. And by that time the value of a HJC could be 1000 times what it will be at the ICO.
Then again, you are not getting any better looking. So just get over it and buy some HJC, because “When daddy’s sex robot is happy, everyone is happy.”
OMG THIS IS AWESOME IDEA! WHeree do I buy it?!?!?!?

Working out the details now... Always looking for investors. :-) Might be going through a name change soon to 'Skincoin'
Sorry, Skincoin is already taken. It's a decentralized crypto for making bets on esport events. Crowd sale was June 21st; https://skincoin.org/ But, hey I think I like your idea better.
Hey thanks! With 800 or so cryptos I am not surprised. I'll have to come up with a new name then... hmm.