As you guys know, I started my cryptocurrency journey less than a week ago going from 16$ to 200, a profit of 1250% in less than week is way more than I could've expected.
I was rolling with the pump and dump method(might do a nice post about the method if you guys want me to) and decided that if I want to get better in trading, I gotta improve my waiting and patience skills.
You guys probably know how important patience is in this game, so I picked 2 coins that seemed like they dropped really bad lately and are now way underrated, excepting them to rise up the next few day I'm going to test my patience and sell them when they do rise.
I've been already waiting for 2 days, probably gonna wait a couple more. I am proud of myself as I'm normally really impatient, hope it will be worth it, and even if it doesn't I am still happy I did that test just to know I got the patience in me!
Stay patient, grow big and don't forget to follow my journey and stay tuned!
Pictures are taken from google.
Seems like a good strategy to me.
Thanks, I'm still on the learning stage so I try different strategies to find the best one for me.
awesome job dude!
Thanks bro
Which ones did you buy? Best of luck!
I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3
I tried GLD and TX.